
Showing posts from February, 2010

Tel Malish

I have loved him in Dev-D, come to think of it,I have liked him in most of his movies. I expect this one to be no different! I loved the beats, the whole feel of the song. The original is unbeatable,this one version just adds that extra zing, you just can't sit on this one, grove you will!

Mixed bag of emotions.

I just kept tossing between being happy to feeling sad. I was happy , glad to have him back here! I missed him, more this time, because I kept just expecting him to be back any moment.I just wanted to talk and talk to him, but we just didn't get the time. I was sad, she just wouldn't stop. She had to take it out, but it didn't feel good. Why couldn't I say or do something that could just stop those tears. I don't know when this happened,I am lucky to have her;Today when I saw her in pain, I felt helpless, Its not a nice feeling. Yeah, one of those days,I know. I can't equate the two, they are quite an contrasting personalities :)! In this one year, they have craved a li'll place for themselves in my special place.


I banged my car, yet AGAIN(I think in last one year its the 3rd time)! I was at fault, hands down. I don't know what got into me, while taking reverse I just didn't bother looking back! I hit a standing car. Luckily the car didn't suffer, mine did!! There is this big bump at the rear. I wasn't paying attention. I had made this call to Divya,she was busy Had I spoken to her, may be I would have come out of this conversation that was playing on my mind, I was lost and BANG!! I got down, and didn't even bother examining my car closely, as soon as I was convinced the other car was not hit, a sense of relief descended! But then they were a bunch of them who were in parking lot. They came running "Hey its your car which took the hit" That's when I realized it. I am not particularly sad about the car, as long as I didn't hit anyone and didn't cause damage (touch wood) I think it's OK. It happens, sometimes somethings happen.You just have to learn
Sometimes you meet someone who makes you want to be a better person, who pushes you to grow. Your first love never leaves your heart. There is a part of you,that will always love them. Isn't that, how you feel about your first love?. You need to stick to what you love, find your niche.If you dont have one, make one. -Ugly Betty. There are moments that are created,words that just touch your heart.

Happy B'day To Me :)

Alright, though I didn't sound excited the other day but Last night was like WOW. No we didn't do anything crazy wild, it was cute wild he he he. These girls did a great job at hiding the cake and those gorgeous flowers from me. I was with them all morning, going that extra mile of following them in every room, just to spoil their surprise(Cheap me na!) and yet I was fooled. Adding to that, the cake cutting on the open terrace with those stupid magical candles, which just refused to be die down LOL, was what I would describe as cute wild! They just didn't let me cut the cake, I started blowing the candles at 11.50(Open terrace, wind doesn't really help with lighting the candle, so as soon as they were all lit, I was invited, from the other corner, where I was eagerly waiting he he he)They just refused to be blown out(stupid things light back with the slight provocation from the wind!). Thank God for Saurabh's call! Taking that as my cover, I went ahead and cut the c
Let someone in

The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination

No no, I am not that smart.I picked it up from J.K Rowling. Aditya, my bhai sent this article,its been around for a long time now, I just read it last evening.Read along... Failure and Imagination
I stumbled upon this post and loved it instantly.Its like so apt he he he Here is a snippet from the post. "I was fortunate enough to observe some “optimization” techniques practiced by the patrons. So here it is : The list of the top four optimization techniques that could be used at a buffet queue." If this has caught your attention, here is the link


Funny how with time the feeling of celebrating this day slowly dies or does it? Is it his absence, or is it me? I have been just lazing around for 3 weeks now, until last Sunday. What has gotten into me? I have lost the will to write. Blogging has become such an effort. Coming up with a decent idea is like raking my cells hard, really hard and even then it draws a blank!! I am perennially hungry and then, the guilt kills me! nearly.Staring at the mirror every morning, I promise myself! My new deadline has moved from my b'day to Saurabh home coming he he he. The only day I had a hearty laugh, when J shared this really cute episode with me.I would to be in a situation like that he he he. Few weeks have been emotionally challenging with her going thro' this.She suffered,It disturbed me! Am I already hitting mid life crisis he he he! I think with days coming closer, the staying alone bit is getting to me! I cant wait to be around him, and just fight! I have been a li'll too goo
She is back with a new one. She is talented! All she needs to do is find the right people, get one or two into a art exhibition and voila! P.S This is the unfinished version
Did I tell you Saurabh will be back soon!!! Like really soon (knocking on the wood!) Can you believe it? Almost a year has passed by! It feels like just yesterday, I was all tears, sad, and then JLT I met a whole bunch of you, and then I go driving and get hit, or hit my car myself he he he. O.M.G! Finally I can sleep peacefully at night! Yeah,all those ghosts can take a hike!! he he he. A year. I did good huh!I think I did pretty good!( I have liked listed down zillion posts on this LOL).I can hardly wait to have him around! I am excited about showing myself off, like with my baking, my driving, my friends he he he.


Love happens once and Lust!, well over and over again. Yeah rite! I don't think so. Here is my take 'Love happens over and over again, well Lust just keeps happening' he he he. Come on,do you really believe in 'Love can happen just once' Honestly. There is a thin line between the two. We'll talk about that some other day. Today we talk about love. Think hard and then think again.keep thinking, till you are convinced that Love happens over and over and over.Duh! Its gotta. How boring would life get, if one fell in love once and then, period. Omg! Love is beautiful, its magical, and to believe that there is only person with whom you can create this magic would be so unfair. Unfair to those who can love you, and unfair to you, who can fall in love, AGAIN! Alright, just so that you dont think I am preaching the wrong stuff. I am talking to those of you, who have loved and lost, those who are going thro' heartbreak, the ones who are totally crazy (Get it!). Hone
revenge is a dish, best served cold.
I know why I have not been writing, Duh! I have been busy talking. Please blame it all on him(No, its not Saurabh. Saurabh tho matalab bichaar, koi nahi, aur thode din and he will be here!). I have been so busy talking to him about love, life and otherwise, that by the time I actually get down to writing, I am exhausted! My mind is tired. Of course there were times when I was atrociously lazy or times when I was caught up with life, but I would attribute a lot of my 'not writing' bit to him! I blogged, because I always had time and these thoughts, they, they had to be penned down. Then I started talking to him, phele thoda phir kuch zayaad.Ab tho boss, matlab. har baar itna baat karati hoon ki, i just am not left with enough energy to write, to think. Some of you have very politely been asking about my updates. Guess what I have loads! I just haven't been doing justice to my blog. Its an effort, to sit and actually pen down my thoughts, specially when I have soo much happen
We have been talking,about relationships,about men and women and yet again, my inexperience stares at me right back or is it really my inexperience? Why do I see everything as black and white, and yet they keep telling me that its all Grey! Its easier to be in a f* up situation and yet blame it on your heart! Ok, so we do, but really are you enjoying this attachment? And if you are, why shed those tears? Forgiveness. So you believe in forgiving, if you do, why bring up the past? Ah, I get! we are humans. we have emotions, and they just don't go away with the snap of your finger. Na, you need that pain, you enjoy the pain! You figure it out. This bit is what keeps me going on,addiction. Hmm. Its easy, isn't it? To let that person of the hook, to believe that was it in his/her control, things would have been different. But then there is situation that they cant really get out of, but oh one sec, they do love you too. Convenient! Selfish! That's what they are. At the end, they