We have been talking,about relationships,about men and women and yet again, my inexperience stares at me right back or is it really my inexperience?

Why do I see everything as black and white, and yet they keep telling me that its all Grey! Its easier to be in a f* up situation and yet blame it on your heart! Ok, so we do, but really are you enjoying this attachment? And if you are, why shed those tears? Forgiveness. So you believe in forgiving, if you do, why bring up the past? Ah, I get! we are humans. we have emotions, and they just don't go away with the snap of your finger. Na, you need that pain, you enjoy the pain! You figure it out. This bit is what keeps me going on,addiction. Hmm. Its easy, isn't it? To let that person of the hook, to believe that was it in his/her control, things would have been different. But then there is situation that they cant really get out of, but oh one sec, they do love you too.

Convenient! Selfish! That's what they are. At the end, they don't want to be the bad one, one who has to deal with the pain


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