
Showing posts from June, 2009


"I am soo embarrassed right now!! I just looked up this word, that I soo confidently used it during one of the conversations which sooo does not mean what I wanted to say! I am at loss of words" This was Aarti, speaking to herself!! The other day, at an official dinner, while talking,they hit upon this topic of reality shows,and she seemed to have read this word somewhere 'voyeurism' and all she remembered it had to do with 'peeping tom' and she went 'Voyeurism !' that's what they call it. Right?, I enjoy that! Weekend She sat down to blog which she did often, and decided to write one about the evening, that was well spent. Almost thro' with the post, she wanted to write a li'll more about reality shows, and thought of starting it with 'voyeurism'.To set the context to the readers, she looked up the word at and what she saw, stunned her beyond belief!! "An obsessive observer of sordid or sensational subjects&quo


You are lying outright, if you say 'I don't gossip' Bull shit!! That's right, everyone does it, one way or the other!! Anyways, I am not here to patronize anyone, thought that would make an impressive opening line he he he. So, the other day, I went for lunch, with this old group of mine. Most of them are singles,guys! It started with 'yaar tumarhe saath, har doosre din ek nayi laadki dikhti hai!" "Kya! ab mein kya karoon! Log ais hi story baana dete hain" "Kaise?" "Arre, ek se doosra aur bus!" and then started the school,college, office otherwise most talked about, gossiped abt topic "Who is going around with whom?" or "Are those two seeing each other?" or a more stylish subtle one "Are they dating?" It really isn't rocket science! Just keep your eyes open! 1.You see a girl and a guy talking. Ok, we all do! Then, You see the same guy and girl, talking,most of times, all alone! No company! (Fishy L


Distance does create space. However hard you try, there are moments that just cant shared over the phone.What do you then? How do you close in on that space? Not all can be expressed in words, slowly as time passes, you make peace with yourself.It then reaches a point where it tends to become a burden, and suddenly you are this bitter, cold and angry person. You try hard , hard not to be cold, to be your happy yourself. But, how long do you hold it back? This someone can even read your silence! It then, becomes one tough job, to hold it back LOL. Who do you blame? Is anyone to be blamed! They say 'distance only makes heart grow fonder', what they forgot to mention,is, it takes special effort, lots of understanding,patience and this unconditional thing they call 'love'!! It sounds all romantic in the books, but the truth is, to keep it going, to keep it alive, you need to work hard, really hard, and no amount of talking/mails/phone can come even close to substituting the
*Couldn't think of an appopriate title, will add it later* After Anvita,Its been really long ,since I have spoken to someone and lost sense of time!I even ended up getting a remark "Anusha likes to talk!" ( well I try and take most of them as a compliment he he he!), time just flew, and when I told my manager 'I had fun today' , she was soo surprised(The last time we went to this place, the food was a big disappointment! Well, it wasn't great today either,but the company made the difference).There are very few right now, with whom I enjoy talking, just about anything, and not be worried about, being judged!. The last time I had fun talking to anyone at work, was with him, of course, back then, we both were on to something else ;), tho baat karna tho baanta hi tha na. To add to all the fun, there was this li'll one,who couldn't rem'm my name,I had spent some good time telling the others, how easy it is to pronounce and rem'm my name, but ous cho

Sun Signs.

What are the odds of having the same discussion with two people of the same sun sign in succession, one week after the other? Totally unintended,it just happened. The difference? Both had a very different point of view. Me? I choose the middle ground. While I bullied and kinda convinced her, he tried the same on me, well almost(I got myself out it, clever me ;)!) She said "80% of a person's personality attributes to his/her sun sign", while he said "It's the person upbringing.I don't believe sun signs attribute to anything". What I think? I agree,to a larger extent with him, but I don't totally disagree with her either, I would change 80 to 10! Our personality is basically , part,our upbringing, part, the social circle, part, our interest/hobbies,and last but not least innate qualities that makes a sun sign unique . Every one has the right to opine hai na! he he he. Its alright as long you are not taking it to seriously, but if you start judging a pe

Stalked ;)

I am being stalked!!. When most of them at work go like "Hey is this the red watch you wrote about?" or "What were you doing? Talking to yourself" followed by a wink "Where is that scratch?" Or for last 3 days when they were no updates friends, and family were like "Why are you not writing?" "Jaldi kuch likho" or "What's wrong with you? Why no updates" Then. you are forced to think ,that you are being stalked :D.LOL.(Secretly, I enjoy it.sshhh...) I told most of them "I am going start charging for writing one, I see the effect it has on you, If you want me to write, pay me!" ha ha ha. Yeah, well. Of course It didn't work!! What the heck, it was worth giving a shot ;), You never know! The guy up there,hears you out and say 'Tathaastoo, jaa baache teri naamokaaman puri hui" LOL. The ones, who read 'Saturday' were sweet, and showered compliments on my watch, while the others who didn't

The Fight

"You are sleeping here tonight!" She threw the pillow and the blanket on the sofa and stormed out of the room. Same day, few hours earlier. Sameer was to leave for the US for a month long project the next day. He wanted her to travel with him, but given that she was working too, it didn't work out.This was going to be her first long separation from him ,since marriage. A Christan banglorean, married to delhi guy, a year ago, Shalini met Sameer in her old office. Cupid stuck, parents got involved , after quite some bit of paatoying the parents ,they tied the knot. Ever since she had learnt about the US trip,there was a eruption of mixed feelings, sad, happy, irritated.She would miss him dearly,having him around had become a habit,but then again,this was very a good opportunity,that would boost his career growth. Off late the two of them had been really busy with work, getting hardly to no time with each other. With just one day left, she wanted him all for herself.Just th

Crush on you?

"I have a huge huge crush on you" and she smiled. Background. It had been 2 months, she had noticed him very closely. His arrogance, his attitude made him soooo tempting that most of the ladies on the floor fell for him."He will say it soon" She told him. This was going to be tough,but she wasn't going to give up easily. 30 mins earlier to "I have a huge to crush on you" "Ankhi what's the update on that task?" staring at the excel he inquired "huh?" Damn. Did he catch me dreaming again? He had noticed her over the weeks,he could sense it, she was not being herself. He enjoyed the attention he seemed to be getting from all ladies on the floor. But coming from the famous 'Ankhi' it meant something! Every time she tried maitaining an eye contact, her eyes drifted to the board on his left. Then there was this smile!! yeah, it was contagious,it seemed to appear every time he was around "Well, Ashok, well... huh"


Today was not one of my proud day's. I managed to get this real big scratch on my car, and all this was my and my fault only. The pain I felt was so strong that the whole drive to chandini chowk, during the lunch,and afterwards I couldn't stop thinking about it. Of course, he was as sweet and calm as he was when I first managed to loose cell,purse,almost the passport ,"It's a car after all, and they'll always be small accidents now and then. I'll get the door done once there,stop thinking about it!" "But, how can I? It was just standing there and I..?" "We'll get you a new car soon " Now that sounded like a great proposal he he he. Even after all this, I still feel the pain! It will days before I stop staring at the scratch and not feel bad. The boys were sweet too. I liked the way they handled themselves when they saw it, (honestly I was expecting them to pull my leg!) they just sympathized and more less assured me it was no big de

Perfect Plan: How to get her!

While talking to one of my guy friends, we hit upon the topic of how to vow a lady.This led to a very interesting revelation. He shared with me his well defined plan which has a success rate of 99.99%(he claimed 100). I couldn't stop laughing at the end of it. GUYS!! And to think, we girls fall for most of it soo easily! He's given me the permission to put it up here. Presenting to you the perfect plan (I am putting it exactly the way it was told! enjoi !) HORIZONTAL LINE Smile at her. Next time you see her, let her know you were looking at her, but don't smile. wait.If She smiles, you know things can move forward, but there is an element of doubt. .Make sure to bump into her , and if she smiles at you this time, its time to make your next move Get her mail id/messenger id anything. Never ask her for it. Use your network. Be smart. Start with a small talk. Invite her for a cup of coffee/tea. But rem'm , don't do it too fast. Wait. You don't want her think you l

'Sad' my status!

The other day I changed my status on gtalk to 'sad' ,I was feeling low, and I changed the status on an impulse, not really knowing it would create such a ripple(of emotions) I didn't have the slightest idea that I would end up getting soo much love, attention from so many of you! . From family, to the closest of friends, to the ones I made friends recently with, to my old friends, to the ones I hardly am in touch with, everyone pinged me "Why are you sad?" and in their own sweet way, each one tried to cheer me up. By the time I typed the last message, I realized I had left the feeling of sadness way back and was actually smiling. (This was just an feeble attempt at putting my feelings in words). Did I deserve this? I don't know! Yes, but do know that I would have probably done the same.
Thank You I am a newbie to the world of blogging, (I took it up to keep myself busy, to stop myself from feeling miserable in his absence)and if it hadn't been for all you guys (I can't take all your names here, just know that you are one of them :) ), I wouldn't be writing this often. All the adulation, just makes me want to better myself everyday. Disclaimer 1. Not all the stories that I write are someones experiences! I do use my grey cells once in a while :D 2. No, these stories are not always my personal experiences either. 3. I don't take name's of friends/people at work, because I don't want to (Duh!). They have a right to privacy. (Honestly? I don't want to get beaten up he he he! ) 4. No, not very story has masala added to it. Some are just plain basic truth :) 5. Yes, I like happy endings and most of them would have one.

Love in 15 days.

Leading interior designer Saakashi, shares her lover story with us today. "It was just meant to happen! I couldn't have asked for a better life partner" As narrated to us, this one is from her to all our viewers! Read on. "Vikas, woh laadka smart laag raha hai" That was me, looking at this guy is blue jeans and grey round neck T. Hadn't seen him arnd earlier. We had a pact, I spot the pretty ones and he helps with the handsome ones LOL! The same evening, "Guys, lets go and play TT" (we had just finished our assignment) most of my team members played well,I wanted to learn too! There he was again! Playing TT with my team mate Rakhi. He stole a glance at me(girls always know it!) We had a common link now. Next day, there he was, again (Coincidence hmm?) I had Jeffery Archer (he he he). The rest of them played with him, while I sat on the bench pretending to be serious reader. Day 3: Same time, we were finally introduced, " Hi, I am Swayam&quo


Women go thro' this very month, its just the way things are! Does that mean during that week we are suddenly untouchables? Alright, so way back,they had reasons(hygenic, rituals) and decided women should not enter the kitchen, or the pooja room and God only knows what not!! I come from a family, where this isn't a big deal,in fact, my dad goes that extra mile to make sure that I get good rest and get all the attention, but ,don't enter here,don't touch this, stay away from me!! Oh, no! What shocked me is the way she was behaving(unconsciously).She couldn't stand it that I was in kitchen, anything that I touched was left the way it was, she moved as far away from me as possible, I was taken aback by the look on her face!, she made me feel like an touchable. If that wasn't enough,one day she tells me, if you don't mind me saying this "Why don't you try and not do pooja for 3 days, its said the first 3 days you dont touch god........" She wasn'

Compliments or not?

I am not the conventional pretty kind, neither do I fit in the tall,slim, beautiful category.(Saurabh would disagree, he has no choice! he he he) Today , a colleague tells me "You are looking like a barbie doll" it was sweet, but LOL, I mean , how can I possibly with my current hair style (that I find so hard to keep in control, and they are not even close to Barbie's LOL!),and knowing that today was the one of those days, look nice! Forget about looking nice, a doll?( I am guessing its her pregnancy that made her say this!). Honestly, I felt very nice :), she made my day when I least expected it. This was the most original compliment,even he has not been this creative(though they were some that completely floored me! na na I am not giving them out, they were just for my ears :)) Engineering. There are 2 that I distinctly rem'm from college . one was on the first day, out of nowhere I got a chit "hey beautiful, what's your name?" cheesy! OMG!! The audito

Strangely Sweet Day

I had no plans of coming to office (just one of those days!). Guess what? I am still in office. Irony? It started with a chocolate, I had this sudden urge to have one, and asked him, to get me one his way back from lunch. He bought me a big bar(this is the sweet him, Men@work , rem'm? :)),which I ended up sharing with quite a few people (I can never never have a chocolate without sharing! Yeah, weird me.) We had this last minute meeting where I was asked to help out a part of my team who are really bursting their asses off for a release. Everything is working fine, and I know I can just make it by 5. KAPUT, Suddenly servers are not pinging. Awesome, chalo bhaiya kaam pe lag jaao . I am famished , on call with IT guy (very helpful person, who had to leave an hr late becoz of me), didnt want to go down to grab something(Duh! I'll loose time!), so I ping him(this is the foodie him), he offered mug noddles(but fork nahi tha !) lekin uske ghar mei der hai aander nahi ,

The Unicorn

Sonu attempted to paint last weekend, in 2 days this girl has done an awesome job and she tells me "its not that good". If she can do this in 2 days, just imagine what she can do if she takes professional classes! Lady searched on net, found the pic, buys canvas and voila! Btw, its not yet complete. As she tells me "its only 75% done..still gotta add finishing touches and varnish n frame.." I would like to take the credit of inspiring her( which I normall do! he he he) , I rem'm this chat, where she said " Anu I also want to do something"( read "also" I don't exactly rem'm what is it I told her, but I feel I did share some insight!! ROFL)

Mr and Mrs.

Raj Punj, was a breath of fresh air, looker, good dresser, great talker, he always said the right thing. She hadn't realized it, until one day when Raj asked to come over and check the accounts, she ran to ladies room to check on herself. Perfect, a dash of gloss, she walked to his seat. Why did she go do that? Why did She feel uneasy in his presence? Why did she off late, always find reasons to be around him? She couldn't tell. 2 months earlier. Soon after his first week in office, Raj had started stopping over at her desk, to make small talk, to invite her for coffee, he always made it a point to pay her a compliment, from her dress, to her eyes. She had caught him staring at her during meetings, and then there was the internal messenger, where he always pinged her, just to tell her how pretty she looked today, he always ended telling her, "I love flirting with you, you make me want to better myself each day" and she would laugh it off( deep inside she loved it). S

Rain 'N' Kite

1. Few weeks ago, it was raining cats and dogs.I left office in hurry,to avoid the rain and the traffic that gets worse with rain. Reached home, dry. Aunty was sitting in the veranda, enjoying the rain.Left the keys on the key stand ,and joined her to enjoy the rain, from far. As soon as I stepped into veranda, something got into me. I just stepped into the rain! Now that I was wet, thought "Ab itne gile ho gaye tho pura kyon nahi" , I ran up to the terrace(we are on the top floor) and then, the movie scene, you know where the leading ladies stand in rain with their hands stretched out and giving that sexy I am loving it look. of course I was minus sexy with a tinge of insanity LOL! I really don't remember the last time I enjoyed getting wet in the rain without ma scolding me.(he he he) 2. Today while taking a walk on the terrace, a thread was getting in my way. Ignored it first two time. Later irritated ,I caught hold of it and tried pulling, it was stuck ,pulled again,a

Do min baad

He kept checking his messenger, the status was still idle. It was half past 11, manager had already hovered around his desk and caught him staring at the messenger,twice!! He couldn't concentrate, the status should have changed to 'available' at 10! . Should I give a call and check? Na, why should I ?and what am I supposed to say? Hi, I was wondering why you weren't online? Yeah rite! and make a fool of myself. talking to himself, something he did always. He chucked the idea and two clicks later , he was no longer signed in. 10 secs later, click. click. Nothing had changed, they weren't any offline messages!. 'That's it. You gotta finish the module! Rem'm? " he signed out again. Concentrating hard, he started coding. For the next 60 mins he was tempted 12 times to sign in and check, but he fought his urge, hard he fought.When he no longer couldn't, he signed in and there it was , a message. 'Hi, where are you?' A smile appeared on his

Ab sirf style bolega

Love the, jingle , color and his jacket! Kya maast attitude hai! I wouldn't mind a ride .My sec fav jingle after limca

Weekend Updates

*I got my toes painted red. Aunty (Roomie's mom) tells me "Dhulaan jaise laag rahe hai"(he he he). Its really bright. I have decided to keep it(just for a week),its so distracting, every time I walked up/down the stairs today I caught myself admiring my feet LOL! *Bought a perfume( 3k for just 50ml) this weekend. I have a fetish for perfumes. I love them on myself. I dont think twice before picking one, recent favorite was Femme(Hugo Boss).Normally finish one, in a month, at the max two.My nose has a thing for them(LOL!). During college, mom had Poison, and I used(Renu always helped by watching over the door) like pour it on myself, and she always figured out just when we were abt to leave.It was a scene, Renu would run out , start and the scooty "anu chaal, jaldi aaa", I would dodge ma, around car, and then dash out! I was not luckily always though LOL. Poison, Gucci, Hugo Boss, Elizabeth Arden,David Off and now Lacoste. Oh yeah, I catch it when someone is wear

I promise I'll be good!

I have gone from short to shorter, my last attempt(s)! Not long ago, there was a girl.She had beautiful,long,thick hair.Her mom on her b'day or otherwise used to make 18 plaits.With a french cut and 18 plaits, she sported the boderek look.Briaided hair, open hair, ponytails( high,low, side) french knot.You name it, and her mom tired all on her! She had the hair and she could flaunt any style. Then one summer holiday, in Belgaum at her naani's place , her cuz Renu went to the parlour and got a hair cut. the other one (sonu) already had short curly hair. Feeling left out, she went to her ma. ' Mummy, I want a hair cut too!'. "You are not getting one!" Megha said. she started crying. She cried alrite ' I am going to B'bay. I want to go to my papa. My papa will get me a haircut'. After 2 hours, her mother gave up and took her to the parlour (Everyone at home maama's, maami's, maasi's., and naani were very angry).At parlour,they took one

The Photographer!

He is not your regular IT guy, he has followed his passion with é·lan. Have a look at Gomtesh's work. No, he hasn't taken any professional training! My college classmate, if only, he was aware of his talent back then ,I would have got my portfolio done (you never know where I would be today? I know! I agree! 4 inches more ,a better figure and beautiful hair , I surely would be a super model LOL!! )


Nikita(Niki), Rohit , Aaakash ( Aki ) and their families Nikita and Rohit were going steady for more than a year now. Nikita a maharastrian and Rohit a tamilian bhramin first met in Reading UK, Nikita was pursuing her post graduation in literature then, Rohit was there with his cadre. Commoder Iyer always wanted his son's to join the armed forces. Rohit the youngest of 3 brothers, loved the uniform, the life and joined Army soon after his 12 th . It was during his second year that he met Nikita.It wasn't love at first sight, but eventually they did fall in love. He and Rohit first met when they were in 8 th , both were chosen for school basket ball team. Aakash was now working for an MNC in Mumbai .Over the years, they had become best of buddies. Niki and Aki , had become friends over the months. Nikita was a typical city girl, bindaas , confident,smart, and very well read. 'You are lucky get her, don't screw it up Bro' , he once told Rohit Iyer's


Loved Archie's way back in school. Veronica liked to be wooed, treated like a lady, Betty on the other hand was the sacrificing one,the sweet one. Veronica made herself pretty clear , whereas Betty dearest was always being the 'good friend'. Why blame Archie? Betty never said it out loud! If you want something, then go get it,Veronica sure did. Honestly though , I would like him to pick Betty :). It was always easier to relate to girl next door, then the so called daddy's sploit brat!. This is probably their marketing gimmick, once the issue is out "Veronica is going to say No because she was never in Love and Archie realizes he is actually 'in love' with Betty" LOL!

Pooja aka Sony

Sonu(sitting,extreme left ) with her friends "You can write about this guy with messy desk and not about your sis who you have know since her birth!" Please meet my li'll sister Pooja. I have finally given into her coaxing. She is a typical Pisces, super moody , loves to dress up,would rather spend on loved ones than herself, cries at drop of a hat,sensitive, caring and a very beautiful person at heart. She has transformed from this tomboy into a pretty young woman. She suddenly was this matured young adult Working at IBM Canada as Business Development Consultant , she has been working since she was a teenager from shoe stores to admin assistant to communications consultant where she was chosen one of best 3 consultants in their stores all over Canada. We (all of us back here) were so proud of her! One thing that I distinctly remember her is her hair, she was the only one among the 11 of us who had curly hair(naani's side). Every summer, it was ritual, Titu( our cuz

A Week Long Holiday

He came and he left. What's left are the memories. If only wishes could true, my week would never end :). IIMC seems to have an effect on him, that has taken me by surprise. Change is inevitable, agreed! *23rd: I drove down to Airport :), for a 2 month old driver, this sure is a good enough reason to celebrate. I was shocked to see him, he has like pulled down like anything and I suddenly felt like a pumpkin in front of him. You know the roundish goloish feeling! * 24th: We went for a late evening party to The Beach-Indranagar. 3 rounds of tequilla and screaming for Royal Challengers,breaking into dance after every alertnate over and more drinks later we called it a night. Trio@Beach *25th: Started early for Belgaum, took us about 7hours (1.30 hrs to get out of B'lore, stops at CCD!). At home, we were treated to Ma's ever famous chicken briyani. We hit the sack. *26th: After a sumptuous breakfast, Sirji decides its time to hit for Goa, this was the first time, we hadn't