Thank You
I am a newbie to the world of blogging, (I took it up to keep myself busy, to stop myself from feeling miserable in his absence)and if it hadn't been for all you guys (I can't take all your names here, just know that you are one of them :) ), I wouldn't be writing this often. All the adulation, just makes me want to better myself everyday.

1. Not all the stories that I write are someones experiences! I do use my grey cells once in a while :D
2. No, these stories are not always my personal experiences either.
3. I don't take name's of friends/people at work, because I don't want to (Duh!). They have a right to privacy. (Honestly? I don't want to get beaten up he he he! )
4. No, not very story has masala added to it. Some are just plain basic truth :)
5. Yes, I like happy endings and most of them would have one.


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