
"I am soo embarrassed right now!! I just looked up this word, that I soo confidently used it during one of the conversations which sooo does not mean what I wanted to say! I am at loss of words" This was Aarti, speaking to herself!!

The other day, at an official dinner, while talking,they hit upon this topic of reality shows,and she seemed to have read this word somewhere 'voyeurism' and all she remembered it had to do with 'peeping tom' and she went 'Voyeurism!' that's what they call it. Right?, I enjoy that!


She sat down to blog which she did often, and decided to write one about the evening, that was well spent.
Almost thro' with the post, she wanted to write a li'll more about reality shows, and thought of starting it with 'voyeurism'.To set the context to the readers, she looked up the word at dictionary.com and what she saw, stunned her beyond belief!! "An obsessive observer of sordid or sensational subjects" was staring at her from the laptop, this was the only slightly subtle , the rest were shocking!!
Speechless, for good five minutes, she couldn't believe herself!!What exactly had she done!

How was she to face this person again? How? How? she couldn't believe her stupidity.Well she had made an honest stupid dumb mistake, but now that it was done, she couldn't really sit on it and pretend, because meeting him was inevitable.
Also, she couldn't have herself thinking that every time he smiled, he probably had it because he was actually thinking 'Oh you like that! huh!' Damn!

She had over analyzed the whole thing, the only option was to somehow put it across to him, she was not into 'Voyeurism' and whole thing was a mistake. Honest mistake.

Pondering, she decided on a face to face meeting.However this would only lead to her looking down, totally embarrassed and probably running off before even uttering it! This was ruled out.
The second option was phone call, she could pretend to be an 'anonymous' caller, who incidentally knew her, and had supposedly heard her say it and that it was this anonymous callers duty to inform this person, that she had somehow misunderstood the word and... OH! Crap!! This was just too stupid to be believed!!
She finally decided to go for the third, this seemed like the best and would save her the embarrassment!She sent him it in the mail.

Subject: I don't enjoi that!
'Hi jai,
Please read it,whenever it is that you have time.I sincerely hope that this would honestly clear any ideas that I supposedly gave you un-intentionally!!"

She blogged the whole episode and sent the link to him! Of course she was smart, she didn't give out any details that could somehow be linked back to her or him, but she gave in enough information that would clear it up and save her from being further embarrassed!!

Did it work?

For four weeks after that episode, she did everything to stay away from him, from meeting him.You know like they say 'Out of sight, out of mind!'

Four weeks later, To assure herself that he actually had forgotten the whole thing, she strolled down to his floor . She spotted him, and walked straight up to pretending like she was there was some important work.

'Hi Jai'

He turned. Looked at her and then there was a 'SMILE'. 'Shit!', yeah the smile said it all. Before he could utter a word, she was already running!! LOL!!


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