She wondered as it rained hard out, were they crying for her? Could they feel her pain? They all looked like tiny ants hitting the road, oblivious to her pain.It was time.

Ab kya likhoo? I am thinking of killing her, and then the pain and the why she did it? This will drain me out! Let her be. I dont want to write about her he he he,

I have grown out of writing love stories, or so i think. I need inspiration! Trying hard to pen one,the harder I try, the worse it gets. I know have to keep it interesting make sense and yet say it all in as little words as possible!!

This post has been in for like what 5 months or more. I just cant get to editing, shortening and finishing it! I am bored.

Act I
The guy next door was still at windowAt first she was really upset, upset enough to walk all the way to Police station( and walk back!). He hadn't done anything that could be categorized as a unlawful act!. So what If he hangs around the same time she does, and is around all the while she is drinking her tea, watering the plants, reading her newspaper. Probably he had the same time table for some odd reason, karmic connection.
   He seemed single(she hadn't seen any lady around at least for most part of the weekends), the rolex watch added to the money part and he was working out, pretty evident from his bare chest that he always flaunted early in the morning.
      The other day, as she draped the saree, a magenta and gold embroidered kanchivaram, with the gold buti's adding the glam to the palla, she sensed his presence! Yes! he was there, pacing up and down the veranada. As she watched him secretly from the bedroom window,for the first time she wasn't annoyed! It felt nice to have someone wait impatiently for you. Black hair, brownish eyes(she couldn't clearly tell,they were dark, could be brown or black! She decided to stick with her fav choice), 6 feetish(this she could tell! He never stood on a chair to water his plants), Arjun, was almost 6 feet and every time he stayed over at hers she made him water the plants.It was Arjun's idea to hang the pots from the ceiling! He did it with ease, without having to stand on a chair! he looked


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