
Showing posts from June, 2010
With 3 words I tried something new. There were some who liked it while they were the others, who, down right criticized it. And then, they were most of you who just couldn't figure it out, I left you confused! What did I think of my work? I thought I was great he he he. I really did. I need improve on my lines, but I loved the way I put across the story. Alas, it didn't strike a chord with most. Yet, I plan to write some more and more, till I get bored of it!
The new template is here!I think its a little jazzy and not really my style, but the blog needed a makeover! Q:Is it here to stay? Lets see!
She wondered as it rained hard out, were they crying for her? Could they feel her pain? They all looked like tiny ants hitting the road, oblivious to her pain.It was time. Ab kya likhoo? I am thinking of killing her, and then the pain and the why she did it? This will drain me out! Let her be. I dont want to write about her he he he, I have grown out of writing love stories, or so i think. I need inspiration! Trying hard to pen one,the harder I try, the worse it gets. I know have to keep it interesting make sense and yet say it all in as little words as possible!! This post has been in for like what 5 months or more. I just cant get to editing, shortening and finishing it! I am bored. Act I The guy next door was still at windowAt first she was really upset, upset enough to walk all the way to Police station( and walk back!). He hadn't done anything that could be categorized as a unlawful act!. So what If he hangs around the same time she does, and is around all the while sh