
Don't ask me what I am getting at! I don't know either he he . I just picked pieces from my unpublished posts, and here I am posting them in one single post! So if you are looking for some logical flow,anything that makes sense, you are going to be seriously disappointed!

In life not everything has a straight answer, not everything can be black or white, or like most software engineers would say 0 or 1.While we try and name every feeling, every emotion , they are times, when one just can't describe what one is going thro', no word in dictionary can do justice to what it is that you are feeling.

Everyone seeks love, in one way or the other, while some are expressive the others just wait for it to happen. Pain, is the partner in crime, where is there is love, there is pain. How one deals with it is a different ball game altogether. Is cheating justified just because you are in love? I don't know the answer to this one! I would like to say NO its not! But not every situation is same! Who am I to judge anyone? Was I there,when she felt him turning a blind eye to her efforts, when he felt her turn cold to his feelings, when they abused each other emotionally,when he picked his work over her, when she choose her best friends party over a quite dinner with him...!

Love (read man and woman)can be addictive, addictive for you to,loose yourself in it, hurt yourself, hurt the one you love, confuse yourself. While these are the obvious symptoms there are some that are not so obvious. Why is it easier to lie, then to accept. To be scared and back out, then to stand up and accept it! Everyone has a very different way of dealing with pain, pain suffered at the hands of love, while some go miserable, others loose themselves in work, while some binge on food, others starve themselves, a addiction that's what they need to get over the hurt!.

Just because someone did something horrible does not mean they are horrible people!Sometimes situations get soo messy, that the only way to get out of it is to hurt, cause pain!


Anonymous said…
Hello 1 an 0 is not the s/w enggs domain.Sorry!!!
Even h/w enggs can do that.
When you shut your eyes the person you confront is the same one you are most concerned about. And sometimes it could be you.
Love is always addictive, it could be for anyone - friends, parents, siblings, spouse even pets.I knew of someone who wanted to spend a lot of his hard earned money to buy the best dog food for his superior.
Anusha said…
he he he, it was just a figure of speech!Duh!

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