
Showing posts from December, 2009
Btw, we celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary(touch wood :)) on 13th minus each other! He did send cake and flowers,Bhai sent some too, and everyone, including those, who I least expected except one, who I knew wouldn't ( not on D day, later maybe), called in to bless us! Gautam calls me at 11.40pm, exactly 20 mins before we would be into 3 years and one day old marriage to wish :) WOW! The previous evening should actually go in as ' Bloody Hell!' and 'I will never ever want to do it' moments. I wish,I could pen down about 12th evening, I soo wish,but I just cant take the risk! Reputation ka sawaal hai yaar! LOL. Usse zyaad, agar any one from family (not Anvita, Divya!, the OTHERS) read it, I am done, finished! Sometimes, just becoz Saurabh says its OK, and chill, It does not mean I can actually chill! A single word out and there will be serious repercussions he he he. I really wish, if only I had not circulated the blog to them! P.S: You have no idea, dont eve
Love is nothing but a chemical PEA (phenylehtylamine) and all that's got to do wiht Oxytoxins, endorphins etc etc So much for 'falling in Love' huh? -Why men don't listen and Women cant read Maps

Two Thousand and Nine

Can you believe it? Time flies. Cliche. One year gone, and 2010 is already knocking on my door! How was this year for me? Deepti prodded me. Wow, fabulous,Good, Bad, disappointing, Interesting,OMG, shitty, hmm, uh,ok? I experienced all that and more. Fabulous:The top of the list being, Saurabh finally fulfilling his wish and what a great college to do it from! Me, finally driving!(I think I have enough posts filled on why and how and when!). This year will always be special, my life took a full turn, 2 years and 4 months later I was back to being single(Forced)! First 15 days were filled with tears and then, then! I wasn't fighting it anymore, I learned to accept it.And suddenly I was loving being single he he he. Wow:Almost 5 years later, after Saurabh, I found them(Yeah I have spoken about them like zillion times now!) Gautam, the first one who unpretentiously asked me to join them for breakfast after reading one those cranky posts :). Liz, who insisted on buying me a chocolate(
Tho aaj kya likhe? Sooch rahi hoon. How about a story? Ek sundar ladki hai, uska naam hai Anusha. he he he. Thats it. Story khatam. LOL. Kal Khubsoorat rajkumari ki kahani sunaaogi he he he.
Sometimes,words truly fail you. Nothing you say can stop those tears, take away the pain, erase those memories. To get over the past, to stop the pain one has to suffer, and sometimes it has to be all alone.But then, somewhere peeping out is face, checking on you, keeping a tab on your crying, knowing when to come out and give you a hug! Hug, that says 'Its ok to cry,it will be alright. It will be over soon'. Deep down you know, if not tomorrow, soon that day will come.Then, she wipes those tears. A smile appears, the smile that says 'Yes, I know, someday everything will be alright. I know it will be soon'


Go watch Paa. I heard this not so comforting rumor about Bacchaans( very very old one, I just wasn't aware!), and it sorted stayed with me for quite the entire Friday and the Saturday too, till I watched Paa, and the air was lifted. I dont care how is with whom and who is doing whom, the movie is worth your time, its worth a watch. Of course, I loved the deep 3/4th sleeve blouses, and her earrings! I am becoming a very annoying company for movies!Kurbaan,the first half,I spent admiring Kareena's earrings, her eye make up, her dresses. Every time she was on the screen "Anvita, woh earring, I think I have seen that one"."I want a blue eye liner!" " Hey is that a skirt, nice color!" and on and on! She had to sssh me to shut me up! I am getting obsessed with earrings! To prove my point, after watching Paa, and sorta admiring Vidya's earring, 'High time, lets go buy a pair of earrings!' I walked in to Rare,(they loot you boss, I mean I spend