The Accident

Yes, I met with an accident! Yet again! Both of us were at fault(he hit my car, but then again!),anyways its the drama that continued for good 40 mins after the hit that's worth a post!

My car was hit,really hit hard, and then out of no experience of how to handle the situation, I came out, threw my hands up in the air and gestured "Whats this sir?". That was it,that one gesture, and things just went out of control.
The driver took it onto his ego, he just wasnt ready to talk it out, I kept telling him 'Note down the car no., take my cell no.lets sort it out' But No., and as crowd started building, the public sympathy game started, he played it well, while I was busy calling Saurabh he ensured that every man in that crowd was on his side.
With just us women in the car, the men in crowd acted just as expected, and then there was a F* up Ahole, this smart ass looks at us and goes in Kannada "These women are north Indians, don't leave them, these North Indians are like this!" B******, the fight was fine, but this guy just got to me, I couldn't believe my ears,I gave him a lesson that he wont forget for his life, I forgot that idiotic uncle who was on ego trip, turned around and shocked the shit out of him, when I yelled my heart out in Kannada "Who the hell do you think you are? You bloody educated ass, you are talking about NI and SI at this point? How dare you? Just shut up and get out of here" he was in shock, well it turned out the assumed NI's knew how to speak in Kannada. I was soo wild, I swear, if he would have waited there for even a min more, I would have slapped that ass( he he he, hell no! but thats how angry I was!). He didnt stop after that, he went to other side, (where the uncle was creating a drama, calling police, abusing all of us(trust me, he was not nice, not at all)) and started telling the rick guys on how we women are over smart and how we need to be taught a lesson. At this point, Renu was around, when she heard him, she just said the right word 'Police', she warned him, if he sticks around, the first person going to the jail would be him. How can people be soo insensitive? An educated, young guy and he was playing the regional card?Can you believe it? The ugly squabbling didnt get to me, as much as this one guy in the crowd did!

Anyways,the uncle didnt stop at the public sympathy, he believed being a man, and getting all the attention, he was right, and that confidence had him make a call to traffic police,while he made a call to police, he also made a call or two to his friends, the phrase friends in need are friends indeed fits right in! Those guys actually made a statement to the officer "She was the one who hit the car, we were here all this while" LOL, OMG, aduacious Aholes! Uncle was smiling now, duh, he had a strong case! Ah, wait a sec, he was in surprise. You see, the police commisioner called the traffic officer of that area and told him, that the three ladies should not be troubled anymore, and if the man continues to create a scene , he may have to be dealt with! (Ma pulled a few strings, she called her cousin,whose PA, well...!)

We drove off from there , back on our way to the place we intended to be before the hit. There are two things I learnt from this accident.One, keep your cool,and drive away instead of trying to reason he he he and two,if you can't drive away make a call to uncle ASAP. LOL. Actually, just keep your cool. I think that will take care of most of it.

Saurabh was angry about the fight getting so ugly and the whole police episode, but then again he knew how to handle me!
Honestly,this whole thing would have shaken me, but I was ok, infact I drove off quiet confidently, and all that was because of him. There is this thing about him, that hasn't changed in him since I have know him :) (I wish i could put it in words,its something thats heart felt and words wouldn't do justice)


sudhirski said…
wow, quite an episode !
Suman said…
wow ! you go girl ! :)
Anusha said…
Sudhir: You bet!
Suman:he he he. Aur kya, saala aise ki baakwaas kar raha tha!
Anusha said…
Sudhir: You bet!
Suman:he he he. Aur kya, saala aise ki baakwaas kar raha tha!

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