Hair Cut.

So, I got a hair cut, and the same story repeats. This time though, I got it an evening before the traditional day in office. I went short,really short. I think I am li'll crazy, I like the idea of experimenting and then I sob.(not literally! Duh!)

Anvita and Saurabh, they are over and above all this, they have had it for years now. They don't even bother anymore 'Its nice','It will look good in a day or two'.Stop it. Its great. You look great.. I mean, he hasnt even seen me, and he actually is telling me 'No, you are looking great'. Love is sooo blind or he is just plain smart. LOL

Yeah rite! I wish I just wish that it was all true!
Here is the thing, I think I am looking fine, I got compliments from quite some folks, folks I dont interact with, they actually were very sweet with their words he he he. And then the icing on the cake, Gautam , Liz and I are at the cafeteria, and Liz gets a sms. 'Hey your friend is looking great in the saree' Can you believe it? A stranger, to me! Duh!. Proves, haircut is not that bad after all.

Anvita, who did everything to remind me 'I told you so, You shouldn't have gone short' to making sure I was up on time, and to getting the makeup right to sending me a very sweet sms 'You are looking great' Just I reached office :).She is my anchor. Love her (Duh, I am just being nice, she'll beat me to death otherwise!)

Archana, she helped me the saree. She did her bit of boosting me with confidence.She stayed back, just to help me out :).

Divya, "Anusha, aacha hai,paata hai,You cant make out that, you have got a haircut' he he he.Thanks Divya!

Liz, "girl, shut up, you look great!' :) thats all I needed, and I was back on track.She is just great,she is just what I need when I am low.

Jayant, he was ok. He tried being nice, he really tried. But he couldnt he he he LOL. He just couldnt hide that experssion!

Gautam, Oh, he was nice alright, he is getting beaten up.Soon! He managed to take a close up (Ugh!!) and then he had this email chain with Mekhala ' See if you can find the boy in the pic. P.S Its not a tricky question!'
Oh, boy. He is dead,soooo dead.

The day started with Ma, I look like a boy and is gonna end up with Ma, I still look like a boy he he he

I dont know why! But I always manage to do this. I am getting sooo good at this, I get a hair cut, sob, irritate the hell out of family, 2 days later, I am like 'next time, I'll try something new' LOL

I also wrote a poem, omg! I sent it Saurabh and he goes like 'Where is rhyme? I couldnt make out anything'LOL. Omg, Alright, to be fair to myself, I managed to just about write and send in for the Habba competition in exactly 30 mins. It does not stand a chance in hell, par yaar, ki faarak paad tha hai.Maan kiya, likh diya! he he he.


Nam said…
Its not fair to "talk" about you haircut! Theer must be a picture her :)

For those of us who are SO SO SO far away :)

Anusha said…
mwah, hai na facebook par saare foto hai. dekho

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