Nothing seems to tick!

Nothing seems to tick. have I lost the will to write? This is one thing that I have enjoyed doing after a very long time, but off late I have been failing to put my thoughts into words! That's it? I have lost my streak?

Hell NO.I guess all the holidaying and working from home, have pushed the writers cells into hibernation.They refuse to work,they refuse to co-operate, they are all nestled into their cozy world, one would pick aisho aarma any day!Its Time!! and they will be forced if cajoling does not work. Why the hell would I stay up at till 12.30 am, I have to do this,for me. This is my space, this is ever I just rant and talk about love, and love and well yeah and sometimes not Love stuff!

Guess what? I just rem'd this sweet li'll incident (thank you guys! I knew my cells loved me!)

Last weekend, Saurabh took me out for a surprise dinner, which included a bouquet of flowers! Romantic na :).The truth is, hmm. Lets stay with romantic bit (and not the bit where I probably told him like just 5-10 times in 3 days on how I was not being surprised by any flowers LOL!) Dinner was definitely a sweet surprise, he didnt intend to confuse me, but thanks to the traffic, he kept circling, u turns,left's and right's, that I just got a wee bit over excited(Every corner, Ah you are taking me here, I knew it! and we cross the place! I had guessed 10 restaurants before I realized where we were headed :D). Anyways, its not about the dinner, it's about this thing. After dinner, while we were walking out, I saw a lady and 2 kids waiting to be seated. The lady had probably seen me while I was walking towards the exit(I saw looking at me intently)

I walked past her, and suddenly I turned(in a every obvious way!) and she was still looking at me.It was less than 5 mins, and I knew she was staring at me!10 years later, my ma's friend Bhavya aunty was in Little Italy and she recognized me! She soo did, I guess It's because I resemble ma. The thought only stuck me once we were in the car. I couldn't get her name, initially, but I knew It was her. I called ma and gave her all the details and she goes like "Bhavya,it's her" ,
"yeah! Bhavya aunty, and that girl was Tulsi! omg".

We had already crossed the first signal, Saurabh was in no mood to turn back, I soo wanted to talk to her! She was ma's first navy sorta friend in Belgaum, cool, peppy and tulsi, well I had seen her when she was just about 2 years old! I immediately looked up for Little Italy on my cell.

"Hi, I just walked out of your resturant, there was lady with 2 kids, she was waiting to be seated. Can I please talk to her?"

"Excuse me mam'm?"
Repeat everything a little slowly
"One sec" and other guy takes the call. I kept repeating, that I wanted to talk to this lady. Saurabh was not helping,he was having fun, enjoying every bit of this!

"They must be seated by now. The lady was wearing while salwaar khameez. I know her, can I please talk to her?" and NO,it didn't help!Dumb asses just didnt get it!

I just wanted to talk to her, tell her I recognized you too, I just wanted to take her phone no. so that we could be in touch. pass it on to Ma, so that they could catch up.

I tired. I failed. But I believe, since I tried so hard, I may just bump into her again :).

Moments huh :)or Nothing seems to tick!


My Blog said…
that is so sweet!You definitely will meet her again.

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