
Showing posts from September, 2009

Second chance?

Do you believe in second chances? In giving one, and getting one? We are not perfect, sometimes however hard one tries, there are somethings that are left unsaid, words that you wish you had shared, expressed yourself, done that one right thing. Some do get their second chance in life and some just don't.Some deserve, some don't.Some screw up again, some sleep over it.
Attraction is misleading. Attraction is mistaken for rightness.

Nothing seems to tick!

Nothing seems to tick. have I lost the will to write? This is one thing that I have enjoyed doing after a very long time, but off late I have been failing to put my thoughts into words! That's it? I have lost my streak? Hell NO.I guess all the holidaying and working from home, have pushed the writers cells into hibernation.They refuse to work,they refuse to co-operate, they are all nestled into their cozy world, one would pick aisho aarma any day!Its Time!! and they will be forced if cajoling does not work. Why the hell would I stay up at till 12.30 am, I have to do this,for me. This is my space, this is ever I just rant and talk about love, and love and well yeah and sometimes not Love stuff! Guess what? I just rem'd this sweet li'll incident (thank you guys! I knew my cells loved me!) Last weekend, Saurabh took me out for a surprise dinner, which included a bouquet of flowers! Romantic na :).The truth is, hmm. Lets stay with romantic bit (and not the bit where I probably


Its been a long long time. Well! I have been busy holidaying, first it was Ganesh Chatruti, followed by Adhvika's visit to B'lore, and , last week, it was Saurabh :). 3 weeks in a row! and, ah! there was this episode,(i got in touch with the beast,the one residing in me) it's better forgotten than written about. I am going to get back to serious blogging (LOL, well, alright I shall try, on serious, makes a difference sorta stuff! I don't promise though) apart from holidaying, I really have to cut down on this urge of chatting, It starts with a 'hello' and well, it sure doesn't end there! It's contagious he he he. Seriously, if I want to write, I gotta gotta end it with Hello and lets not hello anymore LOL. Alright! I am just ranting, in fact, I know, I totally agree, writing c***. something is better than nothing huh? Hold on! I don't want to know your opinion, I am just going to, you know rant, so whatever!. Btw, "Attractiveness is mistaken