
I have grown up? There were times, when I sort of cringed at the idea of getting too close (read physical intimacy) before marriage(this sort of legalizes all that!). Today while Anvita and I were talking about this topic that happened to pop up while while we were on our way to movie, we realized how the two of us have moved on from those girls who chastised the ones who did that to, to the ones believe that it's one's life and she/he should do whatever she/he pleases, coz gone are those days when all this was a taboo!

Physical intimacy( I am talking about anything from a kiss, a peck, a hug, holding hands, sitting close to making love. ) is a very integral part of the relationship. While words are powerful, touch has its place and many a times, when words fail you touch bails you out. When one gets into a relationship(the sort where you believe it will work out, whether it does or not later, is a different deal)while you are trying to know each other,you tend to build on physical and emotional's natural progression of any relationship, you slowly get comfortable and sharing touch becomes just as important.

To judge a person based on his/her past relationships and walking away from them,becoz you are looking for this mr/miss perfect(someone who has not shared a physical bond with anyone else) would be a mistake.As long,this someone is faithful to you, that's all that should matter.

Each one has a right to opine, I am not judging you if you think otherwise, just that may be you want to look at the tunnel from the other end, coz this is the fact of life,something that has existed since Adam and Eve.

I am getting bold with my views LOL! I had some(quite a few) tell me on how they were surprised that I had written about, protection, menstrual cycle, extra martial affair and all that (stuff that I will continue to write on), they weren't very kind with their thoughts, but then again, lets take it positively :)

How about I don't give a flying rat's ass! This is my space :)


Gomzy ™ said…
wait to go girl ! Well written. I pray that girls dont find the intimacy thing a taboo anymore. Amen ! :P

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