The best roses that I have got till date(na,they were not from Saurabh :)) were from a friend who had them delivered by post while he was pursuing MS from states.The roses and the cake reached PG early morning on my b'day.The memory is still fresh in my mind, It was a bunch of loosely tied 12 fresh, long stemmed red roses.Its been almost 6 years! Every girl that day was in awe of those roses :), they were just beautiful.
Though we are not in touch anymore, I don't think I can ever forget those roses.

While we had just entered our 2nd sem ( or 3rd), a bouquet of yellow roses paid a surprise visit on my b'day.It took me some time to realize who they were actually from , I was pleasantly surprised. It's one of those surprises that you least (never) expect,It was sweet thought then, it didn't last for too long.if only, things would've stayed this sweet! (I am not kind to nurse ill feelings,but sometimes, just sometimes you just can't forget.forgiveness is easier :))

The best valentine roses,Yes these were from Saurabh (finally huh!).There was this drama (It was our first valentines since we had started dating and he didn't even bother to surprise me, becoz he didn't think too much of this day unlike me) that followed,that he ended up buying me 100 roses! I expected roses but 100, that was a very sweet surprise, I had to put them in a bucket LOL, well where else would 100 roses fit? There is a very cute pic, na not of me, Anvita's, the roses were a celebrity.

Ever since that day (I guess I scared him LOL) he tried surprising,most of the times, the roses were hand delivered to office (na not just on Valentines he he he)


Anonymous said…
A case of a wrong icing to top an interesting cake. Blame the authour......
Anusha said…
he he he yeah rite!

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