I have a huge huge crush on Shahid Kapoor! O.M.G, you have no clue, I get this high when I see him, sigh! totally, he is like soo, oh boy! LOL . It wont last for too long though,(I am not crazy!)Like Deepti has been putting it, its 'may day' situation my hormones are on a over drive and Saurabh needs to get here ASAP LOL. It's been ages since I had one on any of these heroes, the last was in 10th, I don't even rem'm the name of that hero he he he.

I am not the kind to have one on these filmy characters, this is just one off crush on S.K.(he sure is lucky LOL!) I rarely have one on someone I don't know in person. The latest I had is on this someone about 3ish months ago, it was a sweet crush while it lasted, I guess I made it obvious to him but I am not sure if he got it, but what the heck I am glad I had one, if not I wouldn't have like pushed myself in trying to know him and then I would've missed out on all the fun that I totally have off late, he is like the sweetest thing to happen to me at work in recent times! Wait a sec, I also have this crush on this voice that if I am lucky, may be just may be get to hear this Tuesday!Totally love his voice (blushing, he he he)

Oh,come of it, married or not, everyone is entitled to crushes he he he. It's such a sweet funny feeling.It's soo innocent.It's sweet.:)

Schools, always, always, the schools captains, if not captains, then it had to be very cute famous senior! Lets see if I rem'm their names, there was Ankit,Zafar, Mayank these are just the ones on top of my head, there are soo many more he he he. Mayank, now this one, the whole bunch of had this obvious crush on him, and he soo knew about it he he he. Zafar, he was smart, he always made it a point to pick me in all house dances and skits. Ankit , he was the silent that we kinda picked on!(we had our ways lol!).I always ended up having crushes on the older ones! and boy could they figure it out, well if you are all giggling and stupidish, you don't need to be a scientist to figure it out, Do you?

After school, college was a different ball game. Honestly don't rem'm having a crush on anyone, I guess I was too busy figuring out this whole new vocabulary where crush seemed like a tiny li'll speck.

Work, ok, this has been interesting, Of course, I have had crushes,now that's where I spend like 8-9 hours of my adult life (I ended up marrying one of those crushes LOL!) . Seriously, no spice no fun rite? (Saurabh is soo gonna kill me LOL!)

So, crush , is just this phase,when you don't know someone , but you want to know them, and while you are trying to figure out ways of knowing them, you sort of have this li'll thing going on in your mind, where everything that person does, says puts you on 9th cloud.
And when you finally get to interact with this someone in person, you enter the second phase of crush,the deciding phase, the D phase!
Based on how this interaction one of the following possible things can happen

1. you end up being highly disappointed (the cloud bursts) and you just run away
2. you get lucky and voila you are on 10th cloud (you were already on 9th Duh!) and are totally loving being around your crush
3. It may end up being romantic(Its more than just crush!)
4. you end up becoming friends(you are glad and happy)
6. you just move on to the next crush (It's time for change LOL!)

They say (the new age saying!)you fall in love over and over and over again(not with the same person duh!). Not sure about this one, but I totally vouch for having crushes over and over and over again LOL.

P.S: I am running short of titles, well all of them sort of revolve around the same topic, how many times can I reuse the same titles! NEED TO GET CREATIVE!


Pai said…
I can draw parallels to Priyanka Chopra.. :D ..! I so want to see Kaminey.. kamina swine flu..! it's making me reluctant to go into crowded places

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