I don't know!

I am confused, there is this trail of thought, I want to write, write something that I believe in, and then someone comes along (sometimes, its serial/movie) and rakes my line of thought. This has been a very difficult one to write about.

Grey's Anatomy, Meredith Grey, she is in love and then confused, and then she backs out ,but then again, she wants him, but now man is confused, which confuses her of her feeling for him Wow! and when she finds this one person, who loves her, truly, she is confused! Should she be with this new one, who is in love with her or to go back to him who she is in love with?

Wow, that's right, I just picked but one serial , but if you keep your eyes open, you'll find similar stories around you! Is love soo confusing?

Is Love about being loved or is it about you loving someone, or Is it about loving and being loved in return?.

what is LOVE? Go ahead, sit down and define it! and let me know what you think of it!

Everyone defines it differently, i think may be its your current state of mind. It's its this feeling that left a place in your heart, if you've been lucky , then its a beautiful, happy thing,if not then its pain and tears!

This is just the black and white of it, there is also the Grey part, the confusion. The guilt, the sacrifice, selfishness, the me vs the you.

So when does this confusion set in? It's when you are soo sure that you have found this perfect someone, and suddenly out of the blue you bump into this other person. and mayhem sets in ,you are confused, you are this person torn between two people, one who you felt love for and this someone who you think you feel love for! Confusion brings along, guilt! The guilt of lying to yourself,being untruthful to him , not letting this new one know what you feel! The guilt is overridden with self sacrificing nature, you decide to stick to your love, rubbishing this new feeling. The self sacrificing is marred with tears, pain! When the pain becomes difficult to hold, you decide to call it quits, to come out clean, to not hurt yourself! Here is where the second confusion sets in!

Confusion, whether you are doing the right thing? Whether breaking free and running to your 'love' would be right thing to do? and the saga continues!

There is never a end to this phase. Everyone has gone/will go thro' at least once (this is a under statement!I think this happens over and over again!). I personally know of who went thro' this phase before they finally said 'I Do'(read, committing) ! Does 'I Do' solve the problem? Hell NO! But it does bring in stability, the confusions will comes your way, but the stability ,may be, just may be, will help you set it right or will it! LOL.

Don't blame me! every time I talk to someone , I have a new thought that's staring at me!

I always ask my loved ones to look past the scars, to forget and move on, what I forget is they somewhere felt love for him/her and tears and pain is just a part of this whole process, they need time to heal, to let someone else in, to be let themselves be loved and love someone back in return! This is what happens when confusion sets in! HEART BREAK. So while today you could be the one who wants to break free, there is someone else who is at the receiving end of your confusion! Is this justified?

Knock on the word!(hard!) I have been lucky to find him( though he has been luckier lol!) so when I talk about Love ,I have every crystal clear happy picture, where there is no room for confusion, and that if there is pain and tears, it's not love! But then, invariably, someone comes along and squashes this idea! I try hard to fight,to defend, but deep down I know, I just can't win! Because there is no right or wrong, everyone has the right to see, feel and deal it the way he/she may want to!

LOVE IS.... Go figure it out yourself!

P.S:I ended up mixing up bits and pieces! hate this post already.
Just becoz, mine is a love marriage, does not necessarily certify that I completely understand Love, If you force me to define Love, Love for me is Saurabh :). He is everything I am not, he totally completes me!he he he.


Deepti said…
well babes, heres what i think of love ( not that am truly qualified to speak abt it ! ;) but then just go back to ur blog and read what u asked for.."Go ahead, sit down and define it" was what u said- :p)
i think u knw ur in love when all those romantic songs u listened to, all these years without paying any heed,suddenly start making perfect sense, when you realise that his happiness is actually making you more happy than urs own,when the first thing in the morning u want to do is read a sms that he sent u way past midnight wen u were fast asleep,when u knw he's the only one u can turn to when u've just fought with the rest of the world,when u try to picture yourself with a thousand other guys but eventually conclude that ur guy brings out the best in you, and if this is not enough maybe u knw its love when the fragrance of his cologne sends u into a tizzy and u wished u had some self control ;D !!
phew ! There u go ...
Anusha said…
ha ha ha, omg! you been watching me closely lol!
Like in all abstract concepts, here's one analogy of Love.

Being in Love is like untangling a tangled up ball of twine.
First you decide whether its worth untangling.

After that, you unravel knot after knot.
Initially its exciting, but even after that initial phase, you have to persist, since it will end up in something useful.

Unraveling every knot takes patience, understanding and of course.. time.

Sometimes you are the ball of twine and sometimes the other person is.

In some cases knots can never be untangled and in some others.. well there just isn't enough time to spend.

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