
*This was supposed to come out last evening,I wrote all of it, but couldn't post it!

This is the first time I have fallen sick since he has left for Cal. I have been running slight fever on and off. When I am sick, i have to be pampered, taken care of, just like a kid! I know I am old enough to take care of one :), I guess everyone seeks for attention when sick and tends to get home sick!, with me I needs loads of pampering!He in Cal,ma and pa , far away in Belgaum,family in Bangalore at kormanagala,it's not been easy.

So today I ended up doing something that I am not very proud of! I cried in office. buckets!!
He was busy with his presentation and idiot had left his mobile in the bag. I sent him like 3 messages (People at work who matter were busy too, all of them! right then I kinda hated each one for not being free) before I decided, its time, I have to cry now LOL ! I don't know if it happens to you, but with me, I suddenly get this strong urge, urge that tells me cry now or you gonna be miserable. So i did. I was smart though! I have been using the hood of my sweater to cover my head(helps with cold), so I cover my head, put my head down (I thought sleeping would help) and then it started, I couldn't hold it back he he he. I realized if this continues , someone will hear my sniffs, so I get up,stare at the mointor,wipe my tears, wait for good 2 sec and the bridge collapsed! Not a single soul came to know (I am very proud of me here, its not easy crying without the sniffs! Trust me on this, it requires special skills LOL!).This continues for good 10 mins( tears roll down, I wipe one side, and then the other one rolls down ha ha ha). I am feeling better, but I am not satisfied, there is still a lot that has to come out.
I did what I guess most of you(if you had to cry!) would do, I went to the rest room (Thank God, the place was empty), grabbed a tissue, closed the door(I choose the last one, it just seemed the safest option then he he he) and then, I cried and cried, and cried(Of course I was alert,else those who would have walked in would be treated to some crying he he he)I only stopped when I had started to feel better! Wow! it soo helped.
Once I had cried to my heart's content, I sneaked out ensuring all the visible sings are taken care of! and then, I walked out , head held high minus the hood ha ha ha.

Oh, when he called, I gave him a earful and cried again ha ha ha. Na, I am still running slight fever or whatever, but I am not miserable!. of course, I have friends at work, who keep checking on me, that soo helps, keeps me cheerful, else I would end up being cranky every hour he he he.

1. Caution, don't try this at your workplace,you have to be a seasoned crier (I know that's not even a word, I just invented, someone who is good at crying is a -crier lol!) from not being caught red handed.

2. Friends from work if you read this one, you dare not ask me anything. I may be still sick, and don't want to end being embarrassed too!That could just worsen my condition you see! Don't even think about peeping into my hood. I am too smart for that, I do it when I totally sure I wont be caught.LOL!

3.I know I have lost it! Oh, come on now, I am sick, I am allowed a li'll bit of insanity he he he.

A day before crying.
I was already tired with 2 hours of continuous conference calls, I get a call from Sumit! Oh, did I blast him, I went on and on for good 5 mins,once I was satisfied, I let him speak.Sumit and I know each other from college, but we only got close, when he was going thro' a rough break up!A newly wed, he has been very busy with work and hadn't had the time to call for like 2 months now! I was already down with cold,his call just gave me enough reason to vent all the anger/irritation that being sick gets along with it!

The every same night, Anvita and I had a huge huge fight he he he and then an hour later, we cursed all those, who we thought probably laago'd naazar on our weekend ,and led to this stupid insane idiotic fight. It's convenient you see! and she came to the conclusion that everything in this world goes because of men lol "I hate boys" that's her latest fav line. Though she says it when she's really upset, I find it really cute. (yeah I know, she will give me a earful for this too!)

Oh, i have heard "I hate girls" for good two years from Sumit, before he met Swati, and then I have heard the matured version "All women take advantage of men" for good one year from Vikas, before he met his better half. lol! So I am kinda use to "I hate girls. I hate boys" phase. Its a bitter sweet phase, you hate them, and then in the next breath or few days later you go like "ah, I guess he/she is not all that bad!"

Heart break is a very interesting period. I will save this one for some other post.


Pai said…
So that's when you put your hood on..! :P
Anusha said…
do i know u? are u from office :D. Dont tell me lol

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