Can things go back to being normal? When you get close to someone, you take somethings for granted. Its just understood, but then if one of you questions it, what do you do?

Do you stop being yourself. Do you create space between each other? Space.Will that solve the problem? Or do you talk about it? Talking. Will that help?

Words are very powerful. They can cause a rift or they can fix it. Saying it right. Choosing the right words is very important. Its easy to mess up, but difficult to fix it.Then again, its only those who care enough who question you.They matter.

They matter enough for you to hear them out, for them to hear you out. To fight and squabble and at the end of all of it to forget and smile. Smile. When you smile, you know all is behind you, and yet another day starts.

A bright new day.A day where you choose to forget some, forgive the others and Move on.


Unknown said…
ok well i wont be able to forgive u for what u put me thru
Anusha said…
ha ha, what did I put u thro'?

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