2 days with family :)

Family minus mom were here with me.

Adhivika was here for the weekend.I stole her hair band LOL! Hey, my SIL so thought I could have it,but this li'll 2 year old niece of mine, every time I wore it, she would go 'Adhika hairband' and point her finger to her head. I had to give it back to her, then she would wear it for like 2 mins and throw it away he he he. This drama continued till evening, and just before she was to leave for Belgaum, I kept it on the fridge!. She is one smart girl, even while she was being carried out, she had the look, 'Where is my hair band, Anusha is not wearing it,but I cant find it it either' look he he he, finally after they left I had the hair band all to myself LOL!! Oh man, I soo stole my niece's hairband OMG.

Aditya keeps coming down regularly for client meets, but Rashmi and Adhvika were here after good 9 months. That li'll one has grown into one naughty girl he he he (just like dad and her aunt). She is a darling, miss her already :(

Dad was here too, he had some pending stuff to take care of. Monday afternoon, I took him to Hangover, I soo knew my dad would love it, for 2 reasons! One, its a crazy, funny movie, two, he loves watching English movies in theater.

I have watched Hangover twice!! the second time I laughed harder the first time,its a stupid crazy movie.

On the same day, I went to titan eye plus to get the lens I had placed an order for. They made me wait for good 10 mins(there was no one in the shop, the lady who had taken my order was having coffee outside. She is a nice girl, but right then I thought she was not!) Finally I payed up, headed to forum.
After the movie, Dad left for station and I headed home. Traffic was sad,and there were some really sick men around the car who were ogling at me! some of them ever really nasty ( traffic was stalled for good 10 mins, I had my windows rolled up and child lock on) the whole thing upset kinda upset me , and I stayed so for the rest of evening.

Anyways, the next morning, I decided to discard the old ones and try my new lenses,when I read the left lens power '-2'."What the hell!. This is cant be true, both my powers are within 2". Irked and in a mood for some good screaming, I decided to wait till 10.30am, coz that's when most of the staff would be on. Soon after, I reached office
"Hello, I was there yesterday, and I bought this ....." Phew!
"Mam, we will get back to you in 10 mins"

Good 2 hours later
"Hello, Titan eye plus, how may I help you?"
"Is 10 mins equal to 120 mins at your shop?? I had called at 10.30 and was told to expect a call within 10 mins!! I am highly disappointed" and I continued non stop
"Mam, please hold on, just 2 mins"
In the background, Kannada, she is asking everyone, who had promised this lady he will call her and totally forgot to make the call. She is pissed!!

He he he, I was enjoying that.

Anyways, the lady who goofed finally received my call, and apologized for being clumsy. She tells me to come and collect the right one's. I knew I would have to go over the weekend to collect them, "Do you have any clue how far is my house, and to travel on a weekday! I did that yesterday, and you expect me to come and collect it?"

She immediately realized that I was royally irritated, and that I had someone else's order, which means till I don't come collect, they cant give it to the other customer,so after all the background talk later, she says "My colleague here can come down and do home delivery, but it would be possible for him only after 9.30pm. Is that alright mam?"

I am thrilled "yes!". Call ends after sorry and all that, and suddenly after half an hour, I am like "what If I was wearing the wrong lens all thro' the month, what if my power increase. I hate them!". I called the lady back, this time calmer, and asked her to read my power details (Fine, I admit that's careless of me,I should know the power!), satisfied with the reply, I was back to being a li'll less irked.

Finally, it arrived today morning at 9.30 am(the guy, i guess wanted to meet his girl friend and ditched the plans of dropping my lens he he he!)

Adhvika and Anvita


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