He is mine

"Can you have feelings for two people at the same time?"Aahana was surprised, a guy who was always so confident about every decision he took, was suddenly so helpless.Staring at sky ,running his fingers over and over his hair, Ankit looked like the little boy who had just lost his puppy.

Aahana, his best buddy since sixth grade, had nodded her head in approval when he showed her the diamond ring for Megha.She and Ankit were soul mates, just not the lover kind. That's what he believed.

Ankit was engaged to Megha. Megha,the girl he couldn't stop thinking about after their first date, the first one he introduced to his parents. After 6 months of courting, he went on his knee and proposed to her.She had made him want a better life. They were in no hurry to get married. It would be 2 weeks today, since he last saw her, Megha, was in shimla,a 4 month on job training on war journalism.

He met her on April 18th, two days after Megha had left,at the annual fund raising day.Nisha, had been working in Carmichale Furnishings for over 3 months. She was a attractive young woman.Every one's eyes that day followed the young lady Dressed in floral off shoulder frock,cream yellow boots.

Her infectious smile, the flirtatious eyes,the way she moved,What is it?, he wondered,there was something so attractive about her personality that he couldn't resist himself from falling for her bit by bit. The lunch in cafeteria, the coffee meets, there was always a good reason to meet her.
5 days after he had first met her, he saw her sitting all alone on the bench. She wasn't her cheerful herself. He let himself sit next to her. "What seems to be troubling this pretty lady now" she smiled, she was happy to see him around. "Nothing,I just" and tears trickled down. Her tears made him weak, he felt immense pain in his heart.He wasn't sure why?,"I ..." and just like that she shared her sorrows with him.

That day started the meeting 'every day',the more time he spent with the more he yearned to with be with her, he felt guilty, he tried fighting this feeling, the feeling of wanting her. On the 14th day, when they were alone next to copier he couldn't resist anymore, he grabbed her and kissed her. She didn't protest.

That was just yesterday.During this 2 week rendezvous, Megha called him everyday, "I love you", "I miss you" were exchanged in every call.He missed Megha, but his mind always wandered to Nisha.He had known Megha for 6 months now, Nisha for just 2 weeks.
Was he ready to risk all that he had with Megha?

"What do I do Aahan?"
How on earth was she to answer this one? "Ankit, I wish I could help you. This one, you have to find an answer by yourself"

Ankit was at crossroads.He had decided to take the day off and think over this mess.
That's why Aahana was at his appartment, she had decided to stay home with her friend and finish work, specially now when he needed her the most.

Cheating on Megha didn't feel right,after debating the pros and cons, he made an decision
"Hi,how are we doing today?"
"I miss you, The work here is killing me. I wasn't thinking right when I took this job. I had a very very tough day. Can't wait to feel the warmth of my arms!" and she exhaled.
"wow, that's the longest you have spoken for 2 weeks now!"
"Oh honey, I am sorry, I am just soo caught up with work" her tone sadder.
"Megha, I need to confess.I have to tell you something" he was hyperventilating, almost.
"Calm down. What happened?"
"I. I. I met someone at office. Nisha." his throat went dry.
"You did?" confused.
"and? You, you ? and you?"
"I kissed her!" he couldn't believe his own ears. He had 'Kissed' a girl, while he had said 'I love you' to Megha the very same day.
"Uh,uh, ....You" tears.shocked.
There was silence on the other end for good 5 mins."U there?"and then Click.

He tried calling her again, she wouldn't take the call. 'Why would she?' He had broken her heart. He felt miserable, yet relieved. His thoughts suddenly wandered to Nisha.He still wasn't sure about this whole thing.What the hell is wrong with me? I should be thinking about Megha not Nisha.

Aahan felt the need to give this whole situation just one push,she had excused her self just before Ankit made the call to Megha. She had rushed to tell Nisha every thing.
Nisha, liked Ankit,she liked the attention she got from, but were they taking the kiss too seriously? She wasn't sure about that.

2 hours after trying again and again to get in touch with Megha, he gave up. He felt guilty but did he still love Megha, he wasn't too sure.

Nisha, arrived at his apartment,an hour later. Aahana was sitting at the kitchen table, finishing work. Ankit was next to window, staring.She let herself in,she gestured Aahana to continue with her work and walked straight up to Ankit.

"and I thought some was sick today!"
He recognized the voice, and there she right behind.
"Hi, How did you, when, uh I mean Hi"
"Hey, well! we need to talk. Don't we?" and she sat next to him facing the window.
He was still confused, Why was she here?
Staring the blue sky, she continued "Aahana told me every thing." he turned in surprise to look at his best friend, who was now making coffee.
He didn't say a word.She continued.
"I am not sure, if you are guy I want to marry,if you are the one I would want to spend rest of my life with, I am not even if I what feel for you is love" silence."But I do know one thing,that,I am ready to give us a shot, I have wondered all my life if I would meet my Mr Perfect!" she was smiling "How heck will I know, If I don't give us a shot!" This time she turned to face him , he was speechless, "Hmm, so what do you think?"

He couldn't believe his ears, those words seemed to give me just the hope he was looking for, looking into her eyes, he held her face in his palm "I, I , Yes, I want to too! I want to give us a shot!" and then he kissed her. He kissed her like he had never had kissed anyone else.

"Some one for some hot coffee" Aahana clearing her thoart.

Finally, a smile. Her friend was smiling again! Everyone in that room was happy.

In all this happiness, nobody realized, there was someone standing next to the door, she couldn't really hear what they were talking about, but when he kissed that girl sitting next to him, she knew it was time.It was over.


Sipping the hot coffee "I'll give it 4 months, tops! Then this one goes out too!" Thats was Aaahaan. Aahana,had been in love with Ankit for 4 years now.Ankit couldn't look beyond the obvious. She was just waiting for the right moment, when he would finally realize his true love was her only her, and if that meant doing things, she didnt care!

Megha was a hard one, he had not asked her before buying the diamond ring! "Jack,why don't you move that girl Nisha,to the front desk work?" Nisha was her bait.Jack, working in the same company as Ankit, was madly in love with her. She had her ways to get him do stuff for her.

When the time had come, just before Ankit made the call to Megha, and before she rushed to Nisha, to execute the perfect plan, she had the photos of Nisha and Ankit kissing faxed to Megha!When Ankit made that call, it only confirmed Megha fears. Aanhna knew she would fly down to work this out, and being the emotional guy that he is, it would be easy for him to get back to Megha. That's where the Nisha card was played. Nisha, was a young vulnerable woman, a li'll missing piece of the whole conversation "Nisha, I have never seen him in more in love with anyone before".That just the sealed the deal for her and like they say 'the rest is history'


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