Looks Matter Or not?

Today someone asked me 'How important are looks?'. I knew why he asked me that(though he didn't say it out loud).I am not an expert with relationships or otherwise, I just know that, when you feel it in your heart, you know it's right, it's meant to be

Looks matter! but you decide to what extent. It solely depends on you, are you in for a relationship or are you just in for fun.If it's fun, then always go for the pretty but not so smart one's, coz the smart ones will sniff it out of you and you could get in big trouble for that LOL!

Coming back to the original thought, Here is what I believe and so totally sell to most of the young ones he he he

The first time you meet someone,there is this physical attraction that draws you to this person,but looks cant hold this 'attraction' for longer than this one meeting, from there on its all depends on whether or not you guys click. If you do, trust me,all those flaws that you somehow seemed to have noticed the first time vanish, just like that.You find it hard to actually go back and look for that flaw, coz suddenly this person seems more attractive to you than ever before. There is always this charm that you find hard to resist.

Sometime,you don't even have to have this physical attraction', you could be just walking by and then this someone says 'hi',and you could get floored,just like that!!

Compatibility is the key, When time just flies by and you find it hard to pull yourself away from this person, that's when you know it's for keeps.Mental attraction always wins over the physical. You have to totally enjoy each other's company.

Most of people tend to believe that beauty is directly proportionate to you enjoying company of this someone.This can/may(and is) be true, but its not the case always, sometimes it clicks and sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't, the fact that this person is beautiful just doesn't matter anymore!

I have always rated attractiveness over beauty, only those who manage to win your heart over the physical appearance are the attractive ones. Always, always go for the attractive one! This holds true for lovers, friends, any relationship that you define over and above the one's you are born to.

P.S: This is one of those times, when I sit down, start penning down, oops typing down my thoughts and while I am trying hard to pour it all out into an comprehensive matter, suddenly, I loose the motive, the purpose behind it. I soo wanted this one to end with a bang, but I am too tired and sleepy to do that.You guys are smart, you'll figure it out yourself :D


Pai said…
Bang on target.!
Aankhi said…
You've hit the nail on the head!
Gimme chemistry over looks any day :P

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