Happiest Moment

I have not been lazy, just that my routine has sort of changed and by the time I am home, I am too tired to write one. Earlier, rushed to home by 5,but now, I am home by 7-8ish.By the time I decide to start writing its very late and am very sleepy! like right now, i can barely keep my eyes open!!

I am making an sincere effort to get back to writing everyday.I'll keep this one short.

The other day while we were chatting( totally love his company) he suddenly popped this question "what was the happiest moment your life ? ", read 'happiest'. This got me thinking 'happiest' , how can I pick one moment, I have been living on this earth for like, now there, I am not publishing my age LOL! quite some years, how on earth can I have just 'one'?

there are so many that I rem'm , each one, back then, was the happiest moment, until the other one came along and became my most happiest moment.

This is how I see it, we all have a wish list, and when, from that list, that one wish we are soo hoping to be fulfilled, is granted, that moment, right there, becomes the most happiest moment, you grow up and the wish list has a new 'have to be fulfilled' wish , and if all goes well, you may just get your most happiest moment so far ,till the other in the queue takes over this one.

I just couldn't think of one, instead , I ended up telling him good 5 moments, moments that were buried deep in my memories somewhere till this question came along and tickled my brain to go look for them.

As I write,I still can think of soo many more he he he. The list seems never ending.

Can you think of one happiest moment in your life?


Unknown said…
the day i met u anu

..hint hint...buy me something

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