Sun Signs.

What are the odds of having the same discussion with two people of the same sun sign in succession, one week after the other? Totally unintended,it just happened. The difference? Both had a very different point of view. Me? I choose the middle ground. While I bullied and kinda convinced her, he tried the same on me, well almost(I got myself out it, clever me ;)!)

She said "80% of a person's personality attributes to his/her sun sign", while he said "It's the person upbringing.I don't believe sun signs attribute to anything". What I think? I agree,to a larger extent with him, but I don't totally disagree with her either, I would change 80 to 10!

Our personality is basically , part,our upbringing, part, the social circle, part, our interest/hobbies,and last but not least innate qualities that makes a sun sign unique . Every one has the right to opine hai na! he he he.

Its alright as long you are not taking it to seriously, but if you start judging a person based on what Linda Goodman says, that wouldn't be fair.It wouldn't be right to attribute his or her complete personality to the stars.

Then again, if you read Linda(seriously), you'll always find, that people of the same sun sign do have some qualities in common,its just that with time, and the all that above mentioned 'parts' (LOL!), those qualities either mellow down, get hidden or come out loud.

Think about it.According to Linda, Arian's are not the ideal choice for Piscean, in fact they come under the 'incompatible signs',If I am to go by that, Saurabh and I should have been repelled at the sight of each other, our personality should have clashed ,we should have just walked away the first time we lay eyes on each other he he he, but guess what? Oh yeah! you already know LOL.

I have lost the purpose, and too tired to explain any more. You decide.


G-Factor said…
My word on it, "perspective". Take it how you want to....
Unknown said…
i agree with the person above
Anusha said…
ha ha ha! well, yeah, but you gotta have the right perspective!

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