
Today was not one of my proud day's. I managed to get this real big scratch on my car, and all this was my and my fault only. The pain I felt was so strong that the whole drive to chandini chowk, during the lunch,and afterwards I couldn't stop thinking about it. Of course, he was as sweet and calm as he was when I first managed to loose cell,purse,almost the passport,"It's a car after all, and they'll always be small accidents now and then. I'll get the door done once there,stop thinking about it!" "But, how can I? It was just standing there and I..?" "We'll get you a new car soon"
Now that sounded like a great proposal he he he. Even after all this, I still feel the pain! It will days before I stop staring at the scratch and not feel bad.

The boys were sweet too. I liked the way they handled themselves when they saw it, (honestly I was expecting them to pull my leg!) they just sympathized and more less assured me it was no big deal :). Just makes me feel, I probably am making the right choice in choosing friends/being in the company of sensitive,smart individuals or have I grown up to accept my faults and just move on?

Anyways, I just went ahead and bought myself a Tommy Hilfiger watch worth 4.5k.This one isn't the typical sweet small watch, but the one which has really bright strap, huge dial and really colorful flowers. ha ha ha. I have bought, might as well learn to live it( I am still wearing it, just want my wrist to get used to it LOL!)

Just before the watch shopping and some time after the scratch incident, I met Arun and other's for lunch at chandini chowk. Finally after all the mails,sms and phone calls that started 2 months ago, we closed the circle. It was light, fun and not so strange lunch! It normally happens, when you meet someone after like an year or more, you are not sure if you guys would click again, if things would be the same, you know there is always the 'strange' feeling. But I didn't see any missing links. We were still chatting, being fun, Ajay was back to his jokes( I call it Arun's effect!),it didn't feel like it had been a year!

Much earlier to Lunch and all the phone calls on what were the 'lunch' plans, I spoke to Kirti. Kirti and I go way back to first sem of college. I distinctly rem'm I was in a pink khaddi kruta and black jeans and this lady just pops out of no where and says "nice attire!" (well it was only in sec year did they chill the rules on jeans, I and few others including her were just bit too smart for our own good :D). We had a long chat about the stories in my 'blog' and on how we have changed from being worried about the what the world would think to I give a rats ass to those who don't matter! I enjoyed talking to her.

Just before the shopping and soon after lunch, I was back at my weekend getaway, a place I feel at home. After the sec round of brooding about the scratch , I told her on how I was back to talking to myself. Again. There are many in college who have seen this and very few at work who know this, I 'talk to myself' out loud( Yeah, I have pretty much a weird side to myself!). With him not being around, and after a round of blogging, I still have this craving. I want to talk, about anything and everything, sometimes intelligent conversations, sometimes not so intelligent ones. I cant blame him, with just about 2 hours of sleep and continuous hours of case studies, classes, and presentations, there isn't enough energy left to talk forget about having an conversations. I guess that's why I have taken to blogging so seriously, I just pour out my thoughts here.

Deepti( was home last weekend), tells me for people like us,who love talking and are not too bad at making conversations PR firms sound like a good a option. I know I don't have it in me to be in this technical line for too long, I just need that push( this I am really bad at, don't know when or how, but it'll happen in this lifetime)


Unknown said…
lol its funny when u talk to urself!
you have very interesting conversations with urself :D
Anusha said…
ha ha ha u bet!! And u'll always win :)
Unknown said…
no i meant YOU
as in YOU
ive heard u speak to urself
its fun
i listen from the other room

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