
You are lying outright, if you say 'I don't gossip' Bull shit!! That's right, everyone does it, one way or the other!!

Anyways, I am not here to patronize anyone, thought that would make an impressive opening line he he he.

So, the other day, I went for lunch, with this old group of mine. Most of them are singles,guys! It started with 'yaar tumarhe saath, har doosre din ek nayi laadki dikhti hai!" "Kya! ab mein kya karoon! Log ais hi story baana dete hain" "Kaise?"
"Arre, ek se doosra aur bus!"
and then started the school,college, office otherwise most talked about, gossiped abt topic "Who is going around with whom?" or "Are those two seeing each other?" or a more stylish subtle one "Are they dating?"

It really isn't rocket science! Just keep your eyes open!

1.You see a girl and a guy talking. Ok, we all do! Then, You see the same guy and girl, talking,most of times, all alone! No company! (Fishy LOL!)
2. Later. Few days, weeks, later,You see the same pair, having tea/coffee/lunch. Again just the two of them!
3. Now you catch them, going for a walk, a break , they don't even bother inviting the ones around them, you know the team mates!!
4. The ice breaker is, when they are seen leaving the office premises together!! Like,

The 4th one, then has everyone , who has been seeing, this duo, for quite sometime to do the math, and one fine day, sitting and sipping coffee, with your comfortable group one of them goes like "Those two, the same ones,you know! There, there is something going on" LOL. That's it. And then one of them goes and tells his/her other group, who till then were busy doing the math for some other couple and then there is information overflow. ROFL.

So, starts the rumor!! No one confirms it, but everyone talks about it.

Now, before you jump the gun, its not necessarily the MATH is always correct. 99% of times those observations always lead to 2 plus 2 equals four.

There is always a tiny miny chance,that two people can be comfortable in each other's presence and not be romantically inclined! Right?? He he he, i know it really difficult to sell this one!! We all know, it can be possible, it's just a li'll difficult to convince!(But, again, you shouldn't really bother!!)

This whole discussion, made me wonder.Now, I too have been seen in the company of quite some people, if this math had to be done, there would be quite some of them gossiping about me he he he( oh yes, loads of them, I sooo know :D!!)

Before I could dwell more on this thought , one of them goes "It's not possible in your case! unless the person is like really new to the company!"
"Why?You guys, just went about a married lady and this guy!!"
"Very simple, one,Everyone knows you are married.Two, you been here for long,they already know you for the person you are! Three and most important point, They have seen Saurabh!!" LOL. What can one say to that! He made him sound like this 'Huge devlish I'll beat you up' guy LOL!!

Ah, well! People who know you, may(,should not! close ones will not :)) not, but to think others wouldn't either,that's crap!!
Rumors follow only those who are famous (one way or the other LOL!!).ENJOI,while it lasts :)


Unknown said…
ahhhh the rumours about me in highschool ! haha .. but i never let anything get to me.. people that know the real you are the ones that matter ; and most times, they wouldnt gossip about u(lets hope)
these days i keep a low profile..i dont like too much attention so i keep a very tightly knit group of friends..the only way to stay out of drama..unless u want it to follow u
Pai said…
It doesn't much to create gossip does it.. :) Two or more people with not much work sitting around.. add some coffee to that mix.. Spot a guy and gal together.. add some masala and salt.. voila..! :)

Btw, did you happen to notice this ad.
It might fall into your list of ads that you post here.. ;)
Anusha said…
ha ha ha, guys! this was supposed to be 'fun' part of rumors! You seemed to have taken my post to a whole different level LOL.

Come on, its alright to gossip and guess what! it needn't be jobless people always he he he
Anusha said…
Pai, you seemed to sensed my pulse for ADs!! Just the other day, I thgt this one had melodious lyrics! NEAT

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