Taking the first step?

Are men afraid of taking the first step now a days? The other day, travelling back from Belgaum, there was this guy sitting next to our seat, smart, good hold over his language (we overheard his conversations ;) . While his actions weren't subtle and clue was well taken , that idiot didn't take the first step of initiating a conversation with my dear friend,ALAS,we'll never know how things could have turned out.

I sure was lucky ( and bold,how else can you explain, being proposed to, within 15 days of our first meeting and me saying YES!! :) and now being happily married to him for 2 years).

I have seen some of them admiring her, while some of them blush in her presence,while the others try and hover around her place, but none of them want to take first step?? Admit to it (or Like they say be a Man). Somethings never change, a girl likes to be asked out( most of them). We are just waiting for that first talk/sms/mail, leave the rest to the nature, things work out one way or the other. You could end up being just friends, Lovers,Life partners or worse, never talk to each other. One way or the other, you'll at least know if it was meant for keeps or not!! Act on your instinct, you cant be unlucky forever :).

To support my theory, here are some true stories

  • Saurabh and Me, he took the first step by calling on my extension while we had just seen each other a day before in cafeteria. I responded to the call and like they say rest is history.
  • Naren and Renu, my brother-in-law and sis,He saw my sis when we first visited his college for some tech paper presentation ,during our last sem in engg , he took the first step,and boy,were they unstoppable, it didn't seem like it was their first meeting. He did do his extra bit to convince her, and today they too are happily married
  • A and S,one of our married friends, while he took some time to let her know, but when he did, she said yes , and today they are blessed with a beautiful li'll girl :).

No, it doesn't have to be you always, but like I mentioned, we are still traditional ,when it comes to matters of heart.

Take the hint! Take the first step.


Unknown said…
Thank you Thank you, I knew what i wanted and I went for it. Am a happy lucky man now.
Anusha said…
ha ha ha, You bet!
Nammo said…
Anu- i spent good 3 hours reading all ur posts....
Babe i am catching up :)
Miss you!!!

Oh boy i just walked past memory lane.
Anvita said…
wat anusha... u going crazy huh... BTW its really well said ;)
G-Factor said…
So did somebody missed a potential life partner? :-)
Anusha said…
gautaum:You bet! He did :)

Anvita: baachpan se hi muhje talent tha :P
Unknown said…
well said anu..
they totally need to step it up and make the first move!
Unknown said…
p.s i cant get enough of yours and renus love stories :)
afterall..i feel special for being the first to know in the family !

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