M.A.M.M-IV Agreement signed

I don't know how many more posts would constitute this journey! The long name is getting boring so i have decided to shorten it to M.A.M.M

Take a good look at this photo, , you should be seeing it on Maggi packets :) from May 30th onwards. Agreement signed, and as informed, the prints should be out anytime by the end of this month ( hoping they will honor their side of the agreement)

Just in case , you missed it the first time, here it is! I am open to bargain ;)
"P.S:I am thinking of taking serious look at writing few more of these stories , this time I would charge Come on, few thousand dollars as compared to the fame and appearing on TV is priceless. Think about it. You know where to catch me :)"


Anonymous said…
Nice mouse.
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
few thousand dollars!?!?!?
lol! ill pay u 10 dollars and no more!
dont get greedy!

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