
Showing posts from May, 2009

Could be a dancer?

There are many things that we all secretly wish we did/could have/could be, for me that secret could be is "Dancer". I have this dream that some day I would be this famous dancer and people would fly in from around the world, just to watch me give that one performance. Being a typical Pisces, i am a day dreamer, I do it while driving, cooking,working. Most of my day dreams are about dance. "Dancing on the stage, while the crowd gives me a standing ovation at the end of the show. Breaking into this synchronized dance right in the middle of the road, the filmy style and people applaud. Doing this perfect ballet and breaking into tears at the show" Walking down the stairs in the office, when I all alone and in a very good mood, I actually imagine a song playing and I am doing this perfect move and the guy is as good as me , and we are doing this romantic number all synchronized! That guy has no face( its never S), because I am concentrating on my moves, he's just

You have a got a mail

Sipping hot tea and ,blogging about that stupid mail guy who had lost her letter the third time, there was suddenly a pop up on her screen "You have a got a mail". she switched to the other tab where gmail was already open. The mail was from her college batch mate, it had been ages since the two of them had interacted. After college they were just handful of them that she was in touch with, this one wasn't one of them. She was intrigued, why would someone mail her years later. She decided to chuck blogging and read the mail 'Hi, I know its been very long since we last interacted, I wrote this mail not to remind you this, but for a very selfish reason. I chanced upon your profile on this networking site, and happened to see this pretty girl in your friend list. I was wondering if you know her well enough to introduce me? I have passed the teen phase, where "Hey there gorgeous, I think I would like to know you" kind of lines would get me anywhere. There is som


Those who know us from college days, are aware of 'sister' tag that we ( Renu and I) carried.We were the famous(or infamous) sisters. We were more known because of the boy gang we mingled with, our dancing group, the staying back after college to catch up on gossip, for being Anup's * (long story)best friends and of course, ah forget it, the list is endless. College was colorful. Anyways the reason I happened to write is because the other day, I bumped into this girl,and after all the "Hi, remember me" and few mins later. "Hows your sister". Wow! Its had been 5 years since I last heard that word,it took me down the memory lane. Trust me when I say this, it was easier to spot the sisters then just Anusha or Renuka , and when people did , it was always followed by "Where's your sister"! Well, alright, so we ended up in the same college,same course, shared the bench for the rest of the 4 years ,came on the same scooty , same gang(with few
Aap मुस्कुराएँगे bul बुले gun गुनाए गए -कोका Cola Not every one rides the same wave of luck - J. Pursuit of Happyness-Will Smith

Men @ Work

1.I am either seen chatting, talking, eating,walking, laughing or gossiping with just guys. If rumor mills have it their way, I am sure they'll be a lot for people to catch up with ,you know with him not around, this would just spice things up LOL. Its not that I am more comfortable in the company of opposite sex, the fact of the matter is there are just handful girls, that I know of, who are bindass. Inn laadko ke saath I am bindass, no hang ups, masti karo, baat karo, chill karo. I dont have to think twice before calling them for a cup of tea/coffee or just chatting my heart out or discussing food recipe.At least I dont miss him alot at work. 2.There are caring kinds,these are the young ones.They actually are there to offer a ride back home if I have to stay back late,or join me I want to gorge on chicken briyani( being pure vegetarians themselves). These are sweet kind. 3.There are of-course the other kind at work. They really don't give a damn that I am married. There is th


He is one of his kind, I am yet to meet anyone as talented as him. Meet the developer cum awesome cartoonist cum carpenter cum trekker cum ..... He is not your regular guy,walk over to his cubicle and you'll find a cluttered desk with a chewing gum wrapper stuck at this weird angle,a broken arrow, one of his own drawings, post its, funny phrases stuck on his monitor . You rarely meet such talented, easy going, no hang ups,speak your mind, guys. He is a catch :). Take a look at his latest drawing on his blog.


(I couldn't get the Indian version!) Not expecting much, I just dialled the number for fun, they had all add flashing 09987333333 , and boy was I in for some raunchy surprise or what? My call was answered by this husky voice calling herself 'Tanya' and what followed was a seducing act Imagine a hot Blondie, in sexy voice talking to you (Total movie effect) " Hi AXE Man, this is Tanya. You can win a ipod to a dell computer AXE.... Man..... Do you want win one? Press 1 " I immediately pressed 1( I may just win for him and surprise him). " Axe Man, you like me don't you? Let me wake up for next 5 days and the at the end of 5th day you can win " I followed the instructions. and the alarm was set for 8am every day for next 5 days ". My 5 mornings were followed by a call exactly at 8 "Wake up axe man, its me Tanya. Come on .... axe man.wake up" "Hi did you miss me? Axe man, get up now..." "Hey Axe man, did you have a dream abo

Meet J.

I happened to mention to him, that he would get a post in my ever famous blog and being true to my word,I am introducing him here. He learned it alright :) ( You gotta bribe me one way or the other to get here ) No, I am not the shy kinda, who likes to meet people over the messenger, rather than have a face to face talk, but it easier and in the longer run, one way or the other, you'd know if you want to take it forward. I met 'L' and 'G' over messenger and quite delighted to have them around, and more recently met 'J'. A chat with him always challenges me to look up wiki or dictionary.So far I have been trying to beat him at his word game, come up with something wackier faster,but then experience counts, and often I am defeated! I don't know in months from now how things shape up, but one thing that I can bet on, is the chatting will surely help me improve my vocabulary :) * The characters mentioned in my blogs are fictional, If you do relate to anyon

Good Friends?

Its not difficult to spot a good friend syndrome.It started with we are just 'good friends', a customary 'hi' and then started the Long talks way past midnight planning of the whole day keeping his calender appointments on mind, Shopping for his best friends wedding, Picking up his laundry while he was at office Bunking because he was down with fever. Going that extra mile to say 'sorry' when actually he is at fault. Jealous when you see him with some pretty girl. She knew she had developed feelings that didn't categorize him as just a 'good friend',but she never accepted it, neither to herself nor to him. In denial, she only let her self fall deeper into this pit.She couldn't tell if he loved her, but he depended on her. She was his lifeline, she was there whenever he wanted, at 5 in the morning or at midnight. She was there for him always. Growing up around each other now had become a habit. Friends and family noticed, but she always shut them

Sixth Sense.

" 'It's a wearable device with a projector that paves the way for profound interaction with our environment. Imagine "Minority Report" . Watch it.


*Recent presentation was nothing but a disappointment, 1. Presenter got a tad too nervous, which seemed to pull down the whole presentation 2. The expectations weren't set, with just few months of experience on this tool, the questions overshadowed the intent. 3.Finally, I couldn't showcase my beautiful first ever written code. *'breathing down my neck' this phrase seems to be fit perfectly in my current work sphere. I can't complain , I cant glout! I am not too sure how long will I take this? *Had a huge,pointless cold war with S, which lasted only for couple of hours! So much for a fight. I spend all my energy getting angry, and sometimes it doesn't even last for 15 mins. Couple of hours is an achievement here. *I think Supreme power wants me to practice the art of 'Silence'. It would take an explosion in the house for my roomie to say something. Hours go by, before I hear her say something, anything. No joking,she is one quite, content in her own comp

M.A.M.M-IV Agreement signed

I don't know how many more posts would constitute this journey! The long name is getting boring so i have decided to shorten it to M.A.M.M Take a good look at this photo, , you should be seeing it on Maggi packets :) from May 30th onwards. Agreement signed, and as informed, the prints should be out anytime by the end of this month ( hoping they will honor their side of the agreement) Just in case , you missed it the first time, here it is! I am open to bargain ;) "P.S:I am thinking of taking serious look at writing few more of these stories , this time I would charge Come on, few thousand dollars as compared to the fame and appearing on TV is priceless. Think about it. You know where to catch me :)"


That's my current state of mind. I want to write letters floating around the grey matter,forming words, words trying hard to form a sentence, each sentence telling the other,"Hey, join me, we'll make sense together". She just needs a push, we need him. He is the only one who can help her I am tired, I am trying hard... Why should I? What's in there for me? She has kept me busy since morning, driving in bad traffic,to staring at the computer screen, to forcing me take a calls in the evening, to getting me worked up at the drop of the hat. If that's not enough, she couldn't even feed my friend on time. Growling, he waited till 10pm. My mind says 'NO' She ignores my needs.There is only so much I can do. Unless I protest,she'll put me thro' hell. I persist, I try harder There are those who visit here to read. Your selfish motive would do no good to them If not for her,do it for them! I start typing,words suddenly start to make sense For them I

Me and Meri Maggi-III. Selection for Media and Print

This evening I had the agency representing Maggi, visit my house.Our entry is one of the 4 entries selected through out Karnataka for Media and Print options for Maggi.Out of the 4 there will be selection and the selected one may be called for a screen test and guess what? If selected, you may appear in the Maggi Ad! They had an agreement paper,with all the "Photo may appear on Maggi Non Veg packs. We can re-use it for other Maggi ad's and " we would need the person to edit the story, give a more flashy description" etc etc. Here is the catch, I wont be asked to come for the screen test. Well remember Me and Meri Maggi ,so she gets to go for the screen test. Happy, You bet!! Story got selected and now it may appear in Print or Media. Sad,yes! Of course!! In those 2 mins that they took to come up, I had already imagined myself singing "Me aur Meri Maggi" LOL ! Coming back to reality, I directed them to my friend's house. They should meet up with he

South Indian Name Saga...

Here is a very funny take on South Indian Names, I stumbled upon this one while going thro ' IIMPGPEX 09-10 blog. Enjoy maddi :)

New Blogger On The Block

I wouldn't take all the praises, but would like to think, just somewhere,somehow I have inspired her to take up blogging :). Welcome the new blogger on the block " Namrath ", a girl I met during my stay in "Aunty's PG" and whose been a dear friend ever since. There are loads of "us" stories that fill one or other posts here, for now,you can catch her at .


I totally felli in love with him the first time I watched him in this episode, specially the part where Joey tries to exchange the original pugsy and Emma(ah Rachel !!) figures it out!! If you are reading this, you know what to from CAL :)

Taking the first step?

Are men afraid of taking the first step now a days? The other day, travelling back from Belgaum , there was this guy sitting next to our seat, smart, good hold over his language (we overheard his conversations ;) . While his actions weren't subtle and clue was well taken , that idiot didn't take the first step of initiating a conversation with my dear friend,ALAS,we'll never know how things could have turned out. I sure was lucky ( and bold,how else can you explain, being proposed to, within 15 days of our first meeting and me saying YES!! :) and now being happily married to him for 2 years). I have seen some of them admiring her, while some of them blush in her presence,while the others try and hover around her place, but none of them want to take first step?? Admit to it (or Like they say be a Man). Somethings never change, a girl likes to be asked out( most of them). We are just waiting for that first talk/ sms /mail, leave the rest to the nature, things work out one

The Foodie

Well lot of people claim to be a foodie, some talk about it , some write about it. Here is one of his kind, who did neither, but observe and create a personality test out of it :). Try it and let me know if you could figure out which one you belong too!