A Sweet Gesture

I wanted to write about this the same day! Here it is a week later.

The other day, someone happened to read my blog.I have been using this space to brood over his absence, bask in my achievement and just rant about life and all.Today,I am going to share a very sweet experience that came my way all because of this blogging.

I am not a very friendly person in the first meeting, I take time to know, share and make the other person comfortable in my presence. There is this someone, who I have spoken, for the most part of it, so far ,only our internal messenger, while he started the conversation, after the usual acquaintance I shared this non existent blog with him. Life went on as usual.

The other day, he pings me " Hey, why don't you join me and my wife over for breakfast.You come around the same time when we do". I took me a minute to realize that he had read "@ life w/o him".I was speechless actually wordless (messenger!). Well I did accept the offer :). We haven't bumped into each other in cafeteria as of yet and it doesn't matter even if we never do, it isn't about the offer its the thought. It was sweet. He made my day by just the gesture of offering me their company when we rarely say "Hi".

It makes me wonder, how sometimes, it doesn't take much to brighten up someones day, a smile, a handshake, hi or just a sweet gesture.


Anonymous said…
Looks like your messenger friend as given a comment. A nice smile. - deepak
Anusha said…
:), well I guess he did! or Did he?

@Deepak, if its Deepak J, Thats unlike you to be soo sweet :P
Anonymous said…
:-) yes. Its the messenger friend. Gb
Anusha said…
ah, well you did :)

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