@ life w/o him!

It is 2 weeks since I last saw him. Its been emotional, different,difficult, tiring and 2 weeks of discovery.

1. The more I am driving, the more I am getting confident at doing this and at perfecting reverse! I managed a neat parking on this real tight for space,place at my friend's house.So what if I took 15 mins to do it, the end result was satisfying.

2. Shopping all by myself! Didn't think in my wildest dreams that I would actually walk all alone into a shop and pick something for myself. I always need approval, I need my friend, I need him, family, anyone but not alone!Not until today.

3. Dine in office all by myself. I always questioned those who didn't have company to eat. Now, I know ! I am one of them. First few days I skipped breakfast, but for a perennially hungry person like me, this act couldn't have gone on for too long. Here I was ordering poha and a hot cup of tea, and actually enjoying every bite, as I sat alone in our huge office cafeteria. I had lunch friends,but off late everyone is carrying lunch from home and eating it at their desks.

4. Missing him, One gets soo used to people around them, that you only realize how much you miss them when they are not around! Cliché.But its sooo true.

5. Cranky idiot. Thats right, on and off, the taps just start with no or little warning. Damn! I hate this.

6. Acting like an old aunty. So what if my new roommate is couple of years younger than me? I actually heard myself saying "You are young girls" Excuse se moi, when did I grow this old? WoW. This is a big NO NO , and cant continue!

7. At QTP, that's office work. I actually learnt the automation language in last 3 weeks, I sure enjoying it.

8. Almost forgot, at fighting. Dude, do i yell my heart out at him, for no good reason like sniffing while I was blabbering out all the office politics!! Well, "you are not paying attention to me", "you always have something else do while I talking" blah blah blah. He is not going to take this for long!

That's the list for now. lets wait and watch, the list is going to get just longer.


Unknown said…
Nice one ... but don't worry he is going to take for a long long time :-)

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