Totally love the new ad.We Indians are so damn creative!If you have had a chance to see forieng ads, you'll agree that most of them suck!. They lack emotions, creativity and are soo dull in concept, color, idea , you name it, not to mention the lackluster models.
How they visualize, conceptualize and execute it into a story,that invovkes strong emotions in those 10 seconds that it is aired, is a mystery, to me.From Bengal to Mumbai, picking up on the habits of people and then relating it to IPL. Cricket ads haven't been this interesting, the last years IPL ads were nice, but this one is very well executed, and at a different level than the rest. Its not easy making a 10 second story that not only sells the product, but makes the consumer want to want the product. Cricket is a religion in India, and this one is sure going to create waves.

Will upload the video soon.


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