
I have a very interesting story to tell. While this belongs to a very sweet girl and her experience one night.I'll try to stick to the truth for most of the part,thoda masala tho baanta hai ;).

One late evening, working her ass of in office, she wondered how long before she could get home and enjoy the warmth of her bed. This had been the story for few weeks now, and with weekend coming it didn't seem fair that she was just one of the few who were slogging their asses off! Camera zooms to the left,Enters the second character of the story. He walks up to the girl "What plans for dinner? Eat here or want to go eat somewhere else?".
Girl: Is he asking me out?. hmm, could be, I am not the only one around. But he choose to ask me. "What do you have on your mind?"
Boy:"I was thinking, good food in a nice restaurant. I can drop you off to your place after the dinner" he added.
Girl: Dinner and a drive. sounds inviting. nonetheless, things aren't every exciting at work either."Sure, why not?".
Boy:"See you in 10 minutes"

In the parking lot, the girl makes her self comfortable in the front seat. venue decided, its very close to her house. A nice chat, music playing in the background and 15 minutes later, they arrive at a popular joint.

They seat themselves on a couples table,conversation follows from friends to life to work. All the while , the girl is trying hard not to act surprised at the idea of dinner. Guy orders his wine, while she sips her usual soft drink. The evening has been pleasant so far. Piping sizzlers make their way to their table. Both enjoy their meal, enjoying the music, the company.

The cheque arrives. The girl has already decided, she wouldn't let the boy foot her bill, at least she would offer to pay, thinking of what a tussle it would be, when she would offer him to pay "no no, I'll pay, you can take me out for dinner some other time. Come on, its our first dinner, I'll feel good". She wasn't wrong, normally that's how it goes .She scouts for her wallet, while the boy looks at the cheque and then he goes "Hey, you have to pay 700, that's exactly half".'Huh?'. "The total amount is 1500,you gotta pay 700".

She is speechless. He didn't even pretend, to ,offer to pay, and top it all, she was being asked to foot for the damn expensive wine , the one she didn't even taste! For not so long ago, men offered to pay, and women agreed happily. It's a gesture that floors us, despite the fact that we earn as much and sometime more than them, we love it when the man offers to pay not letting you open your wallet, telling you it was pleasure having you dine with him, and that this was the least he could do for spending an evening with you,money isn't everything. Forget the romantic part, what ever happened to Chivalry? Its not always about money, women like chivalrous men(friends, colleagues, family...), that's the one of the most important quality that we look for , and totally attracts us to the one who possess it.

Right out of window, a perfectly nice evening, or so she thought , until the cheque arrived and woke her up !When to start with, the whole idea from dinning in a restaurant to driving her down to her place was all his idea.She paid her half, not bothering to mention "Dude, I didn't even drink that super expensive wine". Disappointed, she walked out. Now comes the icing on the cake, admire the audacity of the boy
Boy:"You know, now a days girls earn as much as us, then why should boys always pay" Trying to justify his act
Our lady was not going to take this anymore,very sweetly.
Girl:"There is still something called Chivalry, Whatever happened to that?"

Speechless and embarrassed, he drops her off at her place.

Next day, the boy gets his 26.40 paise , the exact change for the tip that he had paid the other day, he tries to say something, but the look in her eyes scared him enough to shut up.

I believe idiots like these are few, chivalry is still alive and there are men out there who know how to treat a lady.


Unknown said…
it did not happen to u
Anusha said…
ha ha ha , no it didn't :P)
Deepak said…
Once again its proved that ladkiyan kanjoos hoti hain.
Did Saurabh did this to you :)
Amrish said…
one of my frnd fowarded to me this link....i must say nice story....all guys should read it ;)
Collegue said…
Nice story :) And don't think "idiots" are few, look around you'll see more.

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