Maid Blues.

"Well, she has not come in yet!" On my birthday(its not like its my 16th b'day or anything!) i will have to clean the dirty dishes . I just cant have dirty dishes lying in the sink for one whole day, I have made peace with no zaadu-poocha for a day, but dirty dishes,No way!(inherited, from my mom, cant get rid of it!)

21st Feb ,6 am.
I am bound by my maid. Hell ya! I plan to send in notice to COLORS creative team who came up this serial called "UTTARAN". In brief,the serial depicts maids as the meek, ill treated, taken advantage of, by working class . ASK ME! Its been 3 days, and I am the one who is been taken advantage of.Already down with viral,and with in-laws at home,the last thing I needed was her not coming up at usual time, skipping work.

Day 1, she sent her daughter, who came and did the dishes at 5 pm. I don't like yelling.

Day 2, MIL has taken ill, she turns at 2 pm. Despite reminding her that i need clean utensils in the morning.

Day 3, all are down with high fever, she does it again. Few calls later ( we have a "bai" network ) I come to know, she is been ditching only me! Despite pleading,and almost yelling over the phone, she came in only at 12.

0h! she has excuses! never runs short of them. I never had this problem back in Akme.Ever since I moved out of there, I have been having at-least one fight in a month with her.
She takes off JLT any day, almost every week of the month.Of course there is a reason for this, except my house, most of her work is in AKME. Its easier skipping mine, then reaching late there,which would lead to a colossal disaster! One lady calling the other one and so on....,

"Why dont I find another one"? . Well....

Its not easy finding a trustworthy person. With Saurabh not around , i don't need a stranger coming in everyday, specially with the recent incidents that one has been reading in and around b'lore ,I'd rather have her around. She has been working at our place for 2 years , not a single paise has ever gone missing, She has never acted fresh,and is superbly clean. It really is difficult to let go.

Life wouldn't be interesting w/o a little bit drama would it now?

22nd Feb,
I am tired of drama.

I found a new lady. I had tired earlier,but then I was kinda emotionally attached to my old one, and somehow no one seemed as good as her when it came to cleaning. All my feeble attempts for a year now, had led me to believe that I have no choice. I had accepted her as my destined maid.I guess, my heart is ready for a change.

After 3 days of debate, pros and cons, I have decided to go with the new one.She works in 4 houses in my building, and guess what she is clean personally and work wise.
She is charging tad more than the old one, but then I will have my mental peace.

I am yet to tell the old one, she is on 3 days leave. This will be a big one, she may not even take me seriously. Well, with threats every second month, and no action. who would?


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