
Showing posts from February, 2009

Lost and Found- III

Its not me this time! It's actually Saurabh! Saurabh had booked tickets for Delhi 6(its worth a watch) for the 1 pm show. In the morning, the smart lot,Anvita and he decided they would like to have a burger just before the show than eat at home, and so it was decided no breakfast, just a quick brunch at MC'D . My bai had not yet turned up. House was dirty.I was still recovering from my fever the previous night and now no breakfast! At 11 am, the lady turned up.By the time she was done, it was almost 12 am. Smart lot, was now feeling very hungry.The others (MIL, Divya and me) were already famished. We left home by 12, reached Forum at 12.25. Saurabh was not carrying cash, he had forgotten my medicines in the car and was very hungry. We managed to eat our fill, Saurabh came in later, had his fill, and went up to get the tickets . We reached PVR, spotted him near the gate.Suddenly he looks at me and says " I cant find the tickets, I just kept them in ". I wasn't rea

Maid Blues.

"Well, she has not come in yet!" On my birthday(its not like its my 16th b'day or anything!) i will have to clean the dirty dishes . I just cant have dirty dishes lying in the sink for one whole day, I have made peace with no zaadu-poocha for a day, but dirty dishes,No way!(inherited, from my mom, cant get rid of it!) 21st Feb ,6 am. I am bound by my maid. Hell ya! I plan to send in notice to COLORS creative team who came up this serial called "UTTARAN". In brief,the serial depicts maids as the meek, ill treated, taken advantage of, by working class . ASK ME! Its been 3 days, and I am the one who is been taken advantage of.Already down with viral,and with in-laws at home,the last thing I needed was her not coming up at usual time, skipping work. Day 1, she sent her daughter, who came and did the dishes at 5 pm. I don't like yelling. Day 2, MIL has taken ill, she turns at 2 pm. Despite reminding her that i need clean utensils in the morning. Day 3, all are d

Fountain Pen

I don't remember the last time I held an ink pen to write! Saurabh is going back to school, and with school comes the old excitement of owning pens, pencils etc. In our time , fountain pens were available dime a dozen. We stopped over at Staples,they was hardly any options to choose from,we settled on Parker, pen and ink.We were so excited about owning an ink pen, that we used it in turns.Started off by writing our names, at first the handwriting looked weird, but 20 mins later, things looked better, content was legible. ( will scan and post it someday!) I am soo proud of us :).Wonder why I never felt the same back in school?