Lost , Found and Fooled

Lost: 3 Found: 1 Fooled: 1
Literally. I am veteran in loosing cell phone, not in a very a proud way, It just happens! But today in those 15 minutes, after a very long long time, i was upset and almost in tears, well i had just lost my sony erricsson and now I go loose Saurabh's , which he had lent me.

Dec 18, 2008
Last but one day before the global shutdown, i lost my cell of almost 1 year. It was after good 3-4 hours that I realized it was missing. "The number you are trying to reach is currently switched off" what the hell! how can someone just steal things in the campus?? Well, they can, when its lying on the table or somewhere and no one comes looking for it for good 4 hours, then why not?

Me: Hello ( stressed ), Saurabh....., I lost my cell ( in tears)
S: It was time, anyways you hadn't lost one in a long time. ha ha ha.
S: Chalo koi nahi,let me block your number. Kya bhai shabh, matlab naya phone chaiye tha tho baata dete, you didn't have to loose it on purpose. ( Roar of laughter)
Me: You know, i haven't lost one since a year now. ( relieved)

Just needed a reassurance from him.

Not soo recent, 2007.
On my first birthday after marriage, he gifts me a Nokia XXXX( XXXX because I managed to loose it within a week). I didn't like the look of it.He had been asking me to select one, but i never relented. You see, for me, cell is just a way of staying in touch, that's about it. Nothing more , nothing less. As long it serves its purpose and looks good ( in my hand, while i am talking and looking at myself in the mirror), I am a content person. After a week or so, I go out shopping for this colleague,who had recently got married. We hackle about the prize for a painting in Saffina Plaza, come to agree on 1500 Rs, pay the guy. After a good 10 mins, there is this feeling, feeling that something is missing. "Huh! Where is my cell?" hmm.
Me: Give me a missed call ( thinking hard, it could be at the Titan store, oh wait I think I must have left it at counter of the other shop.)
Friend: Anusha, Its unreachable !
Me: when was the last time you saw it my hand?
Friend: I don't know! I didn't pay attention.
Me: (Damn!) Lets check in all the stores .Let me call Saurabh !
tring tring
Me: Helloooo, Saurabh...., I cant find my cell. I think I lost it !
S: ha ha ha (genuine laughter), you lost it. Was it that bad?. Anyways, you never really liked it.
Me: Thats not true, I think that guy that just I bought this painting from , he has taken it,well you see blah blah blah.
S: Chalo, koi nahi. whats gone is gone. Let me block your number. Bad girl( another roar of laughter)

Relieved. He is cool. He is right, whats gone, is gone. So much for my new cell, the very next minute "Lets go and look at some earrings. That's the shop, lets goo..."

Early 2006.
( talking to myself)
Hmm, "why hasn't he called yet. He normally checks if I have reached office. Let me check.
Huh! What? Where is my cell? This cant be true. Oh, wait a sec, It must've slipped out my pocket".

"The number you are trying to reach is currently switched off , please try after sometime".
Holy cow. "The rickshaw guy must've found it. Oh well, it was very old anyways"
tring, tring , tring..
Me: Hi,Its Anusha.
S: What happened to your cell?I have been trying to reach you from past half an hr.
Me:hmm, well I lost it. Fell right out of my pocket.I think.
S: oh, hmm.That's alright. It was old.Chill, we'll get you a new one.
Me: (He's soo cool,wow!) It was my first cell, bro gifted it.( tears rolling down)
S: Come on, happens. Whats gone is gone. Don't worry, we'll get you a new one.No point crying over split milk. Its not like you'll get your old one back

Shit,this is guy super cool. Ah, I really wish things work out between us (fingers, toes crossed)

Early 2005. My first encounter.
After good one hr, I thought of checking out for new SMS's. "hmm, its not in the purse. Should be somewhere here"
After a good search "Guys, I think I lost my cell"
Friend: "Did you trying calling".
Oops!tring tring.
Me: Can you hear the ring?
Friend: Huh, no!. look in your purse again
Me:Oh shit! Someone picked it up and cut my call. tring, tring.
Me:Wow, this guy's got some nerve, he is picking my call and cutting it.
Crying starts ( This was my first time , i had not lost a cell yet,purse yes. Cell No!!)
After good one hr of "tring, trings". Stranger answers my call.
Me: hello
Strange:Hello, who is this?
Me: Excuse Me?? It's my cell you are talking on! Who are you?
Strange: Oh! Hello. You seemed to have dropped your cell in this rick, that i happened to board.
Me: oh, hmm. I did ?
Stranger: Yeah, the driver,must have not noticed it. Suddenly, the phone started ringing. When the driver didn't respond to the ring, I realized, it wasn't his! Since, I didn't want him to know that I had found it in the rick, I kept your cutting the call. I was planning on calling on one of your numbers!first thing after reaching office!
Me: Thank you, Thank you soo much.( he is my saviour.I love you God ji)
Strange: Please take down my addr,you can pick it up anytime after 12.
Me: Thank you.
I drove down with a friend of mine and got my precious cell back. I wanted to offer him something in kind, but he didn't accept it. He instead gave me a sound piece of advice " Be careful with your cell, next time you may be this lucky"

So, like i said I am old timer, when it comes to loosing. But today, it was not like the other days I had recently lost my "old" cell, and in a span of 20 days I loose another one! All this happened in a span of 5 mins when I went for a coffee break. I couldn't believe, that someone just walked past my table and pick it, jlt. My colleague suggests calling the security immediately, after all , one of staff would have hidden it in the cupboard.
Frantic call made.After good 15 mins, security arrives. I am angry, the staff just left( must've been time for second shift). Security is going on with his usual explanation of "Mam, we frisk them, if any we will find it". Already mad with them (another story, where for once, I actually lost something,and this time someone had stolen it)"What do you mean? That person would be smart enough not to take it with them today, check in those cupboard, it must be there. This is too much! within 5 mins, my cell just vanishes. What is this?"
Tring tring. Someone was calling me on my extn.
Me: hello
Colleague: Hello, Anusha! Its XXX. Your cell is with me!
Me: What? What is this supposed to me? Some kinda joke.
Colleague: Well, We thought of pulling this prank on you
Me:This is not funny, the security is here.
I go looking for the guys, who are pretending to look around.
Me: Hi, My colleague has my cell. he played some kind stupid joke. ( Totally Embarrassed!!)
These guys are pissed now(they should be, I blamed the staff and then them! ) , after taking down his mail id, and giving him this really dirty look. They leave. I was still in foul mood, and sad. Tearful. This time for real. I hadn't felt this way , last 2 times i lost one. I guess, it was because it was Saurabh's cell old cell(He still has all his cells, in good working condition), secondly I didn't want to believe, that i had become so careless, that I could loose two good cells in a span of 15 day of office. So I was fooled this time. This may not be true the next time. I honestly need to be more careful with my things.
This year's resolution: " Try and not loose a cell for next one year"


Anonymous said…
Hope you remember the security guards face before you leave your cell unattended next time... :)

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