Lost and Found-II

Hello. One more. Well its not about how I lost yet another cellphone(touchwood, I hope I don't) but about how I managed to loose my passport in a foreign country! I did manage to find it the same night, however what followed in the inter min was a nerve wracking drama.
Last May on a official visit, accompanied by one of the seniors I visited Bangkok and Singapore.We were to finish this training in Bangkok, board a flight to Singapore, spend 4 days training another batch and then fly back to Bangkok for a customer visit. there is so much more to write about the trip, shopping food, however I shall try and stick to my original plan
After the training in Bangkok, we rushed to board our flight to Singapore. Flight was delayed by 2 hrs, by the time we arrived ,it was 1 am Singapore time.
I was to just follow the instructions by Murali, whose is not only senior by a quite a few years, but also has more experience in travelling. He decided to exchange TC's(travellers cheque) at airport, I did the same. A pretty Chinese girl at the counter helped me with the conversion.From there, we boarded a taxi for JW Marriott in Orchard street. Once in, I don't know why ? I had this feeling, that I should check for my passport. Tired from the journey I just ignored it as me being overtly conscious. "Anusha, you have the passport in the purse". After all I this was my 3rd flight in last 2 days.
At 3 am, we entered the hotel. The receptionist was busy with the guest who was checking -out, after good 15 mins, she called for us. She checked for Murali's booking first, and asked for his passport (they enter passport details for foreign guests, I guess that's the law in every country). While Murali gave his, I opened my black passport bag to retrieve mine.I couldn't find it there.By this time the panic was slowly setting in, not sounding too worried, I started checking my check-in baggage.
It wasn't there. I just blanked out.I was totally blank, mute, emotionless. I just didn't know how to react. It wasn't until good 2 mins when Murali came to check on me, that the realization sunk in. Tears, lots of tears rolling down. This is part where I can never thank him enough for his clam attitude. He didn't panic, well if he did, he didn't show it then. First, just be double sure , he checked my bag, not finding it there, we started tracing back our journey from airport to hotel.I kept going back to the taxi we had hailed. I must have dropped it in there. "What if this guy finds it and doesn't return it" . What do we do now? All sorts of weird ideas started making their way into my brains.
Murali approached the receptionist and explained the problem.
She was clam, I guess this wasn't the first time for her. She was more worried about the check-in.She needed a photo identity,HP badge wasn't enough. After about good 1 min, she said that she would let me check in on Murali's guarantee. Thereafter she offered to help us trace my passport by placing a call to Les Concerige for the missing passport. She sounded confident, that the person could surely help us out.He would however need my passport details. Just before the travelling, we are strictly asked to carry copies of passport in every possible bag, i had made 8 copies, but at that moment, right then, I just couldn't find them( later, when I was clam, I tried looking for them and found them exactly where I had kept them!) Can you believe my it? It was like some bad omen was following me.
In situations like this, every min seems like an hour, I was clueless,crying and scared. Immediately we ran out, and boarded the taxi to Airport. All the while, Murali kept telling me "Don't worry, we'll find it. Don't cry". Tears don't fail me, never. I seem to have a hidden tap in there somewhere, it never goes dry.
At the airport, we rushed to the TC conversion counter. The Chinese lady was missing, instead there was this guy who had just checked in for the second shift. We explained our situation. He went in, came back the very next minute "No, no passport here. She would have given me , if found. Sorry". Shit, shit.Shit. I asked for him to contact and check with her once. He didn't relent, and kept repeating the same line. He did help by educating us about the "Lost and found" counter. DUH!
The counter was right in front of our eyes, but we kept missing it. Finally one officer, pointed his finger "Right there, right in front" WOW. At the lost and found, a Chinese lady greeted us. Before we could explain our situation,another officer walked in. She smiled,the next words from her mouth bought me back from dead (literally) "Oh, so you are the one who left her passport at the counter.You should be very careful. We have your passport" I cannot put the feeling in words!. At hearing those words , Murali went "Aiyoo paada" .That's when i realized his tension and stress and also that the lady who helped us was a Tamilian too :). Exchange of words in Tamil, a big thank you and an hour later, we were in the hotel.
I did receive a call at 8 am , from the Les Concierge asking for the missing passport details :). I Smiled to my self and said "No thank you, I have it right next to me".


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