
Showing posts from January, 2009

Lost and Found-II

Hello. One more. Well its not about how I lost yet another cellphone( touchwood , I hope I don't) but about how I managed to loose my passport in a foreign country! I did manage to find it the same night, however what followed in the inter min was a nerve wracking drama. Last May on a official visit, accompanied by one of the seniors I visited Bangkok and Singapore.We were to finish this training in Bangkok, board a flight to Singapore, spend 4 days training another batch and then fly back to Bangkok for a customer visit. there is so much more to write about the trip, shopping food, however I shall try and stick to my original plan After the training in Bangkok, we rushed to board our flight to Singapore. Flight was delayed by 2 hrs, by the time we arrived ,it was 1 am Singapore time. I was to just follow the instructions by Murali , whose is not only senior by a quite a few years, but also has more experience in travelling. He decided to exchange TC's (travellers cheque) at a

Alive and Kicking

Three weeks on, I am alive! . I haven't hurt a single soul and with just 2 scratches on the bonnet, I think i am doing a good job. Well! I have finally started "Driving" with or without Saurabh . I deserve a pat and do get it everyday from Saurabh :) (i draw my confidence from him). All thanks to IIMC , if not for them, I wouldn't have dared. While he pursue's MBA, I would be getting better at driving :)

Road Manners

Cutting lanes, driving @ the speed of 20 kmph on the fastest lane,spitting out,throwing up, piddling etc etc. We are not new to any of these. This one, is new(for me) On one of the busiest roads, in peak traffic hour, from nowhere we saw this white stuff falling from this big truck. Got closer and looked up ( out of curiosity !)This justs takes away the cake. *Genius is brushing his teeth* ,spitting out the foam, while using his left hand for steering. Don't be surprised if one day , brown stuff, out of nowhere, lands on your car on , worse on you!Just look around, that person should not be too far. Don't even think of following, It will get worse! Amusing, Bus driver decides to relieve himself , stops his bus JLT on this busy busy road ,piddles away to glory. Conductor joins him. oblivious of the crowd passing. Bhai bhai milkar karte hain!

Lost , Found and Fooled

Lost: 3 Found: 1 Fooled: 1 Literally. I am veteran in loosing cell phone, not in a very a proud way, It just happens! But today in those 15 minutes, after a very long long time, i was upset and almost in tears, well i had just lost my sony erricsson and now I go loose Saurabh's , which he had lent me. Dec 18, 2008 Last but one day before the global shutdown, i lost my cell of almost 1 year. It was after good 3-4 hours that I realized it was missing. "The number you are trying to reach is currently switched off" what the hell! how can someone just steal things in the campus?? Well, they can, when its lying on the table or somewhere and no one comes looking for it for good 4 hours, then why not? Me: Hello ( stressed ), Saurabh....., I lost my cell ( in tears) S: It was time, anyways you hadn't lost one in a long time. ha ha ha. S: Chalo koi nahi,let me block your number. Kya bhai shabh, matlab naya phone chaiye tha tho baata dete, you didn't have to loose it on pu

Pizza Hut, Kormanagala 80 Ft. Road(actually anywhere)

This one needs no introduction. What needs a special mention though,is the service.Young guys/gals( They are not waiters, who just wait upon you, they do a lot more than just that!) serving pizzas with a smile.You hardly see a grim face around, full on energy, they go that extra mile to ensure your meal is special. Introducing themselves with their first names, helping you with the endless list (check out the latest MENU). serving you the order within the promised time .All this , when the place is jam packed,throng of people coming and going. The customary "Thank you" when the bell goes bong.The bell is like a part of the team and not just an inanimate thing hanging from the ceiling, people just love ringing it. Delhi Pizza Hut, have gone one step ahead. They dance for you. While you are relishing your pizza, suddenly a group of guys break into this synchronized item number. Free entertainment aur mast kahan aur kya chaiye :). Check out the video About 2 years ago, we were i

Heera Panna

Heera Panna, Church street, MG road. Welcome to Jalsa! haan ji, sahi paada aapne! This place is a brick by brick copy of Jalsa. She could have just named it "Jalsa, again". Matalab, yaar haad hoti hai,thoda hi sahi kuch tho badal te. Wait a sec, there is a one big thing, while in jalsa, you would have to scream, here you'll need the Loud Speaker. No jokes,carry one, if you can. I don't think, I'll visit this place again. Oh Btw, to come to think of it , that couple on the plates could be "Heera and Panna"


Jalsa, Outer Ring Road on the way to KR Puram. After the huge success of her first venture,the owner of chandini chowk (CC) with a partnership in place moved on to open the Arabic cum Mughal period inspired Jalsa. We were excited, the place is close to office and home, moreover we were once loyal customers of CC, for old times we had to pay a visit. The bright colorful lights running across the whole mahal like structure is very inviting, once in, its like walking onto sets of a Mughal E Aazam (pyaar kiya tho darna kya....). Tacky costumes , colorful bulbs, though it would have helped if the place was slightly brighter.Gahazal, from old hindi movies reverberates thro' out the mahal. Once the crowd settles, this place can be quite a treat, projector makes an appearance,and the mood is all romantic and pleasant. Here you are ready to be served, one of the waiters, looking really uncomfortable ( concentrate on their facial expressions) in his costume places the MENU CARD, and out goes

Chandini Chowk

Saurabh and I are self confessed foodies. We love eating out, trying new resturants. I am going to try and put down my experiences here, what we loved, didn't love, hated and so on. Keep reading at your own risk ;) Chandini chowk, Kormanagala 80 feet road. Started with a bang 4~5 years a ago! . Decor is cheap (in term of the investments ) yet different(probably copied?), gravel on the floor, granite tables, cheap colorful bandhani dupattas for table covers,hay for the roof. No paint just Color Print outs of sorts of famous bollywood beauties on the on the walls. Bamboo door for the Loo!! Beads substituted for some sort of curtains.Menu isn't anything new, typical north Indian dishes, dishes may sound different,but trust me , its all the same! The place was definitely a welcome change for Kormangalites. Used to frequent this place like 3 times in a week back in 2005, 3 of us , skipping the boring hostel lunch on Sundays to feast on bhind, dal , rice and yummy aam ka aachar here,

Blog Title

Couldn't think of anything, just went with the first word that came to my mind.!