Its Zumba all the way Baby!!
V is already 19 months old and I am still ,sweating it out to get back into shape!! Every time I get on to that weighing scale, hoping against hope for a miracle,I silently offer a prayer !! If ignoring my plea's wasn't enough,it goes on to mock me as well " You weigh 300gms more than you did last evening!! Good luck lady!!!" Stupid weighing scale, Damn You!! I have been patiently waiting for the remainder of eat-till-you-stuff-yourself -because-your-baby-needs-it weight ( Honestly, I did go little overboard with the whole eating part, V ended up a underweight baby while i was 22 kg's overweight! Gosh the look's I got right after my delivery, specially my mom and granny!!! LOL!!! ) to just vanish away! V was half away into her first year when I finally decided to take charge of things, All charged up, I even wrote down my daily walking schedule..hehehehe . So much for the wishful thinking, with a 6 month old baby and working-from-home