
Showing posts from February, 2014

I missed you!!!

  I bloody missed this space!!! A mail sent to a friend couple of weeks back ,  had me realize, how much I missed writing! Can't remember  the last time , I wrote one with all honesty ! I intended to keep it short and to the point, but I just couldn't resist myself, and went  on to write a warm heartfelt mail... It was beautiful! (Not poetic beautiful LOL)  Liz probably is the  only person who missed  reading my posts as much as I did blogging about sun , moon and the stars ;)!  In these last 2 years, she's  has been  constantly reminding me , hinting subtly   "This would make an interesting post, write about it!, Gal blog about this story ,its got all the right masala!!  , Blog about this party, it would be soo interesting to read it over "   And why exactly did I ever stop blogging??  No Gyan! I was just being super lazy!!  Anyhow, I am back and I intend to do a little more than just rant hehehe.  *wishful thinking*