
Showing posts from May, 2010


Everything about this add. works! Absoultely adorable!! Totally love the scene,the daughther walks in ,while trying on the earring , she looks at her mother,a beautiful unspoken moment! After Limca ads, this one just steals the show with the music!

3 Words

I have been procrastinating for long now. It isn't Saurabh, It's just... Here is a impromptu one. Please god!Let it be today! digging into the Double cheese juicy hamburger, Jenine smiled at the thought it. She had been waiting for just the words. Rumors were out for a week now. 3 words. Happiness could be contained only by binging on calories. Few days earlier, she had seen unhappy Jessica running out of his office. The big mouth had bitched enough to keep the mongers yapping for more than a week now. Sipping coffee, he wondered, Is she really that naive? May be pinning his hope too high wasn't a great idea. Had he not dropped enough hints already? The following Monday,heads followed a pair of legs, flaunting a black skirt,just short enough to tempt, and a white shirt, tight at the right place. She was here to conquer, It was her day!The wait was over. Prey was her to claim. It was the call from Jack. Jessica followed Jenine into Jack's cabin. Voices, muffled and then