
Showing posts from March, 2010

Since the last time

A lot happened! Saurabh was here!It will be sometime though,before I can get back to playing a full time nagging fighting and of course, loving wife! I was prepared for all that we have been planning over the phone, but now I am too sure! While he was here We were into eating eating and pretty much eating! Dude, I must've put on like oodles of weight! So much for all that sweating out (alright , i tried at least for a month!!) I dont get it, I just don't! Why cant GOD just stop being unfair, I mean what does he have against me?? I hate the whole idea of size zero, one, two and whatever! I ain't any closer to any of these sizes. I just hate this!! Well if this wasn't enough I go ahead and get a haircut, YET AGAIN. Just before his Convocation. I am getting soo good at embarrassing myself. OH Boy! Haircut First week of his visit "Honey you look great!" Elated me First day after haircut "Honey, dont worry its nice" sense the lie Two days later ,after sp
"So you compromised?" "Yes I did!" "Why ?" "I need you not to be perfect!Because I am not.If you didn't have this one flaw, every morning I would wake up and end up asking myself, why me?" When he falls in love, he losses his heart, forever.