
Showing posts from October, 2009

Hair Cut.

So, I got a hair cut, and the same story repeats. This time though, I got it an evening before the traditional day in office. I went short,really short. I think I am li'll crazy, I like the idea of experimenting and then I sob.(not literally! Duh!) Anvita and Saurabh, they are over and above all this, they have had it for years now. They don't even bother anymore 'Its nice','It will look good in a day or two'.Stop it. Its great. You look great. . I mean, he hasnt even seen me, and he actually is telling me 'No, you are looking great' . Love is sooo blind or he is just plain smart. LOL Yeah rite! I wish I just wish that it was all true! Here is the thing, I think I am looking fine, I got compliments from quite some folks, folks I dont interact with, they actually were very sweet with their words he he he. And then the icing on the cake, Gautam , Liz and I are at the cafeteria, and Liz gets a sms. 'Hey your friend is looking great in the saree' Ca

Habba-Dance Group

I was tempted, tempted to get on the stage and shake a leg,while liz and her group practiced. One two front left, one two front left!( I just wish!) The choreographer, is one talented boy!He seemed to understand every dance form that was being discussed, Afro Jazz, Salsa wow! He has a put an good act together, they just need to practice a li'll( Loads! Abhi tho, steps set kiya hai) to get it all right. While the other girl, she knew how to shake to the beats of Salsa! Liz, well! Do I have to? (Come on, she was great, Dude, she is my friend, she has to be the best! period. :)) Then, I met her other gang, a couple of guys. Nostalgia set in. Late evening practices after classes, masti karo, chedo,and then gang up and meet in the canteen for a gram cup of chai! College, nahi ?. Bus,here you not a student, a professional, lekin fun tho stays :) Its been 5 long years since I stepped on a stage to perform! Today when I saw them practising, the regret set in. He must told me a million time


There is lots to write about! While I am waiting for Liz(whose busy with her dance ), soocha thoda hi sahi,kuch tho likhoon. 1. Love the new Vodafone Diwali offer Ad. I simply love "Meri raai mein auqa is the best color". He is soooo adorable.These guys are just soo good with the content, the script! 2. Had been to Bikaner,Diwali was fun, he was missing,alright, I am supposed to be all I missed him, and I wish.. But Na, I think I had fun even in his absence! (he is happy, he is off the hook!else I would have ensured he suffers too he he he, crying duh! thats just sooo helps, yeah! its alright to be mean!).Shopping was the highlight of the trip, of course the heat nearly killed me, heat was bad, my skin has gone to the dogs! 3. The trip from B'lore to Bikaner, that was fun too, long, tiring, and definitely very heavy on Divya's pocket lol. The direct flight to Jaipur got cancelled, Kingfisher routed us via Delhi to Jaipur. The waiting period was expensive, we shopped

Wake up Sid

I want to write about it.I loved the movie, excellent role playing by Ranbir, hands down, but the thing that actually caught my attention for the entire 2.30 hours (apart from Ranbir) were the colors and creative interiors. Bright, vibrant, energetic, youthful look. Mumbai Beats office, Konkana's house, Ranbir's Board. The wall in Konkana's room, that has strings running, a photo,a memory that keeps finding its place there, I liked all of it, the lamp that hangs by the window,no tv! I swear,I was floored by the decor, the office has a rustic yet contemporary look, the book shelf in Rahul Khana's office (seen it before, but the jazz books added that extra zing). Orange, yellow, red was the theme. The painting of "Beta,Beti" in Rahul's office. The dinning table that has chairs of different colors. Brick look, the drawings on the wall of crows, lamps, the old B'bay. The whole warehouse look, its creative (stolen from English movies, but put together with

Groom Hunting!

Its been a long time, have been busy, with life and otherwise. Last 3 days, I have been seeing boys. Ah, no. Thank you, I am a happily married woman, I have been seeing boys for a friend, who is looking out for the perfect soul mate.I have had a lot of stories to share, funny,irritating episodes of groom hunting, when ma and pa took the arranged marriage way for their supposedly perfect daughter:D(I still am, for them I always will be :)) They were days when I met 5 boys in a row, one after the other, even funnier was when Renu and I would have to meet the same boy lol. The boys family would visit our home (Renu's house was a at a stones throw), uncles, aunts, everyone is seated in the drawing room, while one of them calls up aunty (Renu's ma), the report is given "he is wearing canvas shoes, sheesh!" "The family sounds dominating" "Oh,he is dumb!" LOL . Aunty would decide on what to serve based on the feedback lol. It wasn't funny back then!