
Showing posts from March, 2009

Oscar Fever

Catch the story, cast , reviews at . Here is my personalized review on the one's that caught my attention one way or the other Doubt: Merryl Streep has a does a awesome job. Watch it just for her. Reader: Caution, this is would definitely get A+++ certificate in India.Watch it for story and Kate. She totally deserved the Oscar. Secretly though, I wished it was Merryl . Milk: Dude! What can I say, the actors up in west believe in getting into the skin of the character or something like that. this one for sure would have caused riots, followed by zillions of interviews with this panel that zillions of news channels would have invited here in India. Leading into a never ending , pointless, political debate. Having said that, Sean Penn, plays the role of Gay convincingly , there are scenes that would convince you if in any doubts. Awesome play acting, and totally worth the Oscar . The Changeling: Great watch,thriller. After Mighty Heart she delivers a powerful