
Its Zumba all the way Baby!!

V is  already 19 months old and I am still ,sweating it out to get back into shape!! Every time I get on to that weighing scale, hoping against hope for a miracle,I silently offer a  prayer !!   If ignoring my plea's wasn't enough,it goes on to mock me as well  " You weigh 300gms more than you did last evening!! Good luck lady!!!"  Stupid weighing scale, Damn You!! I have been patiently waiting for the remainder of eat-till-you-stuff-yourself -because-your-baby-needs-it  weight ( Honestly, I did go little overboard with the whole eating part, V ended up a underweight baby while i was 22 kg's overweight! Gosh the look's  I got right after my delivery, specially my mom and granny!!!  LOL!!! ) to just vanish away!  V was half away into her first year when I finally decided to take charge of things, All charged up, I even wrote down my daily walking schedule..hehehehe  . So much for the wishful thinking, with a 6 month old baby and working-from-home

I missed you!!!

  I bloody missed this space!!! A mail sent to a friend couple of weeks back ,  had me realize, how much I missed writing! Can't remember  the last time , I wrote one with all honesty ! I intended to keep it short and to the point, but I just couldn't resist myself, and went  on to write a warm heartfelt mail... It was beautiful! (Not poetic beautiful LOL)  Liz probably is the  only person who missed  reading my posts as much as I did blogging about sun , moon and the stars ;)!  In these last 2 years, she's  has been  constantly reminding me , hinting subtly   "This would make an interesting post, write about it!, Gal blog about this story ,its got all the right masala!!  , Blog about this party, it would be soo interesting to read it over "   And why exactly did I ever stop blogging??  No Gyan! I was just being super lazy!!  Anyhow, I am back and I intend to do a little more than just rant hehehe.  *wishful thinking*

"Careful while crossing the road"  :)


Baade Aache Lagate Hain Baade Aache Lagate Hain, that's my current favorite serial aired every day @ 10.30 pm on Sony :). Oh,I love this serial Period. I love the background score!! Not surprised, Its gang's current favorite topic now , they love shredding my serial apart. Liz choose to gang up with them, she was soo close to being inducted into my camp, guess husband powers overpowered my magic here LOL!!  Just to drive their point, one day they planned a impromptu (what an lie) ice-cream night at 10.30pm. Guess what?? I ditched the gang and denied them the  pleasure of my presence (I wasn't going to take it without a fight). Of course I was all guilty later (blush blush). It's me against three of them. The current point  of discussion is the wedding that is to take place tonight, Boys are convinced the wedding won't take place today. They are soo close to loosing this bet!!!  I hate you like I love you (in brackets) , how else would you explain their never e


Last 6 months, every few days I would visit my blog, start with a new post, stare blankly and then hit the Design button. I have changed the background countless number of times now!!  I have almost lost the will to write, it was so much more easier  back then. I have been trying hard, very hard. I guess that's the problem,It isnt coming naturally to me anymore!! I have so many stories and I almost frame a complete para but to put it down here that's when the interest fizzles out. Apart from getting work back home and incessantly being online(this has been a killer too, it just sucks you out of your creativity!) , I have been following couple of  blogs. I have always believed in taking notes from family and friends rather than believing in whats put up on the internet, but that changed. I love going through these colorful  food blogs, i have even tried few of them and so far its been great. Brownies have been a hit, and now I wanna try New York Cheese Cake :). Here is the

Brought to you bai

Need I say anything ??